transshipments in a sentence

Use ‘transshipments’ in a sentence | ‘transshipments’ example sentences

1- Of those, 817,000 were local shipments with the rest transshipments .

2- Soviet imports of Ukrainian grains or Soviet transshipments of Manchurian soybeans could make up the shortfall.

3- Advantageous geographical location creates conditions for the cargo transshipments year-round, provides access to the river, sea, road and railways.

4- Examinations were conducted jointly with Dubai Customs officers, who shared information on transshipments from high risk areas, including those originating in Iran.

5- An important finding is that each tested transshipment policy is considerably superior to a policy of no such transshipments , although at the expense of increased transportation activity.

6- Hong Kong is allowed to work independently with the international community; to control trade in strategic commodities, drugs, and illegal transshipments ; and to protect intellectual property rights.

7- Mitsubishi responded with its practical objections to the transshipments , that the franchise had expired without being renewed and that the shipments were halted sometimes at Soler’s request and sometimes for lack of an acceptable letter of credit.

8- Mitsubishi also was concerned that transshipments to the continental U.S. would be seen as skirting the voluntary import restraints Japanese automakers had been practicing in the American market to mitigate the potential political backlash from their distressed American counterparts.

9- Finally, Germany also imported 40 per cent of its fat and oil food requirements, which would grow if Germany conquered nations that were also net food importers, and, thus, needed Soviet imports of Ukrainian grains or Soviet transshipments of Manchurian soybeans.

10- At small locations, individual wagons were probably manoeuvred onto hard standing, not necessarily to siding tracks, and the arrangement avoided two transshipments of the material carried.

11- The Nathu La pass offers Chinese companies access to the port of Kolkata (Calcutta), situated about from Lhasa, for transshipments to and from Tibet.

12- The most significant economic unit is the Port of Hamburg, which ranks second only to Rotterdam in Europe and ninth worldwide with transshipments of of cargo and 134 million tons of goods in 2007.

13- transshipments through Port Said ‘s larger terminal were as much as 90 percent of total traffic in 2012, while the proportion is 70 percent to 80 percent at the competing facility on Piraeus, Garg said.

14- While cargos have increased , transshipments have been declining, said Shailesh Garg, director and general manager for London-based consulting company Drewry Shipping in India.

15- With the conflict showing no signs of ending , Beirut has greater scope to increase the amount of transshipments it handles as the new capacity comes on line.

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