transmit in a sentence 2

Use ‘transmit’ in a sentence | ‘transmit’ example sentences

48- The desktop version doesn’t install OneKey, though it does transmit information to Lenovo.

49- The first is that you can’t transmit signals undersea as effectively as can through the air.

50- NHS staff will also be expected to use mobile devices to access, collect and transmit data quickly.

51- The sharks are spotted when their dorsal fins break the surface and transmit a signal to a satellite.

52- You may not rebroadcast, transmit or perform the programming, charge admission for its viewing or transmit or distribute running accounts of it.

53- The SMT can reduce internal transmit interruption; and 8 layers PCB enable best signal Return-Path.

54- This complex has subsequently been revised to a total of seven species of which five transmit malaria.

55- Placing cooked hamburgers or ground beef on an unwashed plate that held raw patties can transmit infection.

56- The X refers to the fact that transmit wires on an MDI device must be connected to receive wires on an MDIX device.

57- The X-5 can carry 70mm day or night cameras and infra-red line-scanning equipment which can transmit real-time data.

58- Type II diamonds absorb in a different region of the infrared, and transmit in the ultraviolet below 225 nm, unlike Type I diamonds.

59- Example 4: transmit a private message to another participant: DO NEXT? transmit ENTER YOUR MESSAGE > I am sending you a test message.

60- For example, ISDB-T can transmit both LDTV and HDTV using one TV channel or change to 3 SDTV, a switch that can be performed at any time.

61- A probe inside a test device could transmit information by heating a plate of metal to incandescence, an event that could be recorded at the far end of a long, very straight pipe.

62- Duplex channel systems transmit and receive on different discrete channels.

63- Women in Canada may also transmit their arms to their heirs, regardless of gender.

64- The load on any network must be matched by the supply to it and its ability to transmit that power.

65- Two LPTV stations currently transmit from the top: analog WTBS-LP 26, and digital-only WTHC-LD 42.1.

66- The corresponding component in the transmit link uplink to a satellite is called a Block upconverter (BUC).

67- Jill can now use the name, and her use of it can in turn transmit the ability to refer to Jane to other speakers.

68- PMID18232270 However, research upon soap that was specially infected found that soap flora do not transmit to the hands.

69- The job has lost much of its importance due to technology that allows reporters to write and transmit articles from the field.

70- Many designs of aviator’s oxygen mask contain a microphone to transmit speech to other crew members and to the aircraft’s radio.

71- The secondary reflectors transmit the signals to the corrugated feedhorns that sit on a focal plane array box beneath the primary reflectors.

72- Some modern radios have a feature called “Busy Channel Lockout”, which will not allow the user to transmit as long as the radio is receiving another signal.

73- This radar consists of an array transmit/receive (T/R) modules that allow a beam to be electronically steered, making a physically rotating rotodome unnecessary.

74- A scammer introduces a delay or monetary hurdle that prevents the deal from occurring as planned, such as “To transmit the money, we need to bribe a bank official.

75- Only 75% of PHC mental facilities transmit some sort of statistical data to the health department, and much of this data is often incomplete and far from rigorous.

76- UWB transmissions transmit information by generating radio energy at specific time instants and occupying large bandwidth thus enabling a pulse-position or time-modulation.

77- The bipolar cells then transmit the signals from the photoreceptors or the horizontal cells, and pass it on to the ganglion cells directly or indirectly (via amacrine cells).

78- The U.S. was informed of the decision, but not that it was to transmit it.

79- The APG-79 AESA uses transmit/receive (TR) modules populated with GaAs MMICs.

80- The monochromator can then be adjusted to select which wavelengths to transmit.

81- Transmission costs It is common belief that DAB is more expensive to transmit than FM.

82- ‘ Shannon focused on the problem of how best to encode the information that a sender wants to transmit.

83- The cabin, and thus the antenna, could be rotated over a large sector to aim the transmit-receive pattern.

84- The Veronica’s radio was used to transmit news of the disaster to the outside world and to seek assistance.

85- Bishops and other great personages living away from Paris employed copyists to transmit his lectures to them.

86- We promptly transmit helpful information and survey results to the society, which you can use even from tomorrow.

87- The channel now runs via the European owned Eutelsat – Atlantic Bird 4 to transmit its programmes to the Arab world.

88- Microwaves are electromagnetic energy and therefore do not require air molecules to transmit the energy making them useful in vacuums.

89- Bipolar cells exist between photoreceptors and ganglion cells and act to transmit signals from the photoreceptors to the ganglion cells.

90- WDPC has applied to the FCC to increase critical hours transmit power to 3,200 watts and has been issued a construction permit to do so.

91- Even minutes (except for minute 2) transmit 500 Hz, while 600 Hz is heard during odd minutes.

92- People may transmit the virus to others even if they do not display overt symptoms of infection.

93- The phone can listen to all activity on a channel, but cannot transmit when in this “receive-all” mode.

94- To be a practising Jew is to accept with love and pride the duty to maintain and transmit that tradition.

95- C—–Senior’s station to be upon Long Island to receive and transmit the intelligence of C—— Junior..

96- ” A Shaykh of Ahwal (states) This is a shaykh who has genuine tasting of the states of Sufism and can transmit them.

More Sentences: 123
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