translations in a sentence 2

Use ‘translations’ in a sentence | ‘translations’ example sentences

51- You can read all message translations or start reading from a specific message translation.

52- Able translations is owned and operated by Mississauga residents Wilson and Annabelle Teixeira.

53- When stripping out the impact of foreign currency translations, revenue for both units rose 3 percent.

54- translations into Lao of Russian-language technical, literary, and children’s books were available through the Novosti press agency .

55- These works are partly translations from German authors.

56- Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Chinese, and Croatian translations.

57- The English works are provided with glossaries, and the Latin works with facing English translations.

58- Published in 1637 in Latin, it was followed by his own translations into English (1638) and Dutch (1641).

59- Domino Designer also comes with further convenience functionality, such as field validations and translations.

60- Reynolds, pp. 88-97 William Huggins’ and Henry Boyd’s translations were published in 1757 and 1784, respectively.

61- In upper class families it was predominantly in cadet branches of families that the name translations took place.

62- The Brian Walker translation is in a spare, almost poetic form reminiscent of many translations of the Tao Te Ching.

63- The Japanese print included English lyrics in the jewel case insert booklet as well as Japanese translations of the lyrics.

64- Ware 1966:10) Compare these autobiography translations: (Davis and Ch’en 1941:301) “people all call me a pao-p’u scholar (i.

65- He had Arabic translations made of those works he composed in Persian, and Persian translations of works composed in Arabic.

66- This book and also Chinese Destinies were covertly circulated in Guomintang-ruled China, both in English and in Chinese translations.

67- He also produced A New Version of the Psalms of David in 1721 and tried to get the Church of England to accept them as canonical translations.

68- Scholarly Tibetan Buddhism translations Brian translated scholarly Tibetan Buddhism Abhidharma texts that remained unpublished at his death.

69- ” 1 Samuel 21:15 (NIV) Psalm 34 is one of seven acrostic Psalms in the original Hebrew; most English translations do not retain the acrostic form.

70- However, Verne’s works were being looked at more seriously in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, with new translations and scholarship appearing.

71- The language lacked native literature, and his translations of Chinese works into Jurchen were helping to bring Chinese ideas and values into Jurchens’ minds.

72- Principe Newman 2001, p. 385 Hundreds of books including adulterated translations of classical alchemical literature were published throughout the early nineteenth century.

73- Paul L. Heck, Poll Tax, Encyclopedia of the Qur’an Shakir and Khalifa ‘s English translations of the Qur’an render jizya as ” tax “, while Pickthal translates it as ” tribute “.

74- There are French translations of these four works.

75- The journal includes original articles, reviews, and translations.

76- Also published in German, Turkish, Slovak, and Chinese translations.

77- He depended on John of Seville for all translations in that language.

78- Many unofficial and partly fragmentary translations are in circulation.

79- There are, of course, many translations, and the translation’s title varies.

80- Wahl, already a published poet, made translations of poems of Stevens into French.

81- ” 5. There was a vocabulary list, sometimes with translations to the mother tongue.

82- Japanese Linked Poetry: an Account with translations of Renga and Haikai Sequences.

83- His final works are translations and adaptations of opera libretti from the Italian.

84- Aland, B. 1994: 138 Modern translations of the New Testament are based on these copies.

85- Lysheha is also the co-author of a book of translations from Chinese, “The Stories of Ancient China.

86- Addlocale has updated translations and can convert a PCLinuxOS installation into over 70 different languages.

87- ” She criticized the game for its flat humor, mediocre graphics, sub-par translations, and poor sound design.

88- These unpublished translations included a favorable introduction in which she compared him to George Washington.

89- He is known for a few translations and other writings known among the preserved parts of the library of the Abbey.

90- The Way of Hermes: New translations of the Corpus Hermeticum and The Definitions of Hermes Trismegistus to Asclepius.

91- He is mainly known for his role in introducing acupuncture in the West and for his translations of Chinese literature.

92- Teeuw 1980, p. 126. Aside from translations, Hamzah produced some of his own work, heavily inspired by old Malay literature.

93- The Communion Service, Lectionary, and collects in the liturgy were translations based on the Sarum Rite Bevan, G.M. (1908).

94- To offer the couple some privacy, she decided that she might publish them under athe poems as translations of foreign sonnets.

95- She has also had a radio show in Japan and does some dubbing work for translations of American films and TV series into Japanese.

96- There were Gibborim (giants) in the earth in those days as well as Nephilim ; some translations identify the two as one and the same.

97- In: Die Zeit from November 24, 1967 As Szenessy’s books failed to gain a wider audience, he also started to write critics and translations.

98- Even a big part of that literature were translations, this literature achieved significant art level with language and election of style means.

99- He was accused of willfully perverting the meaning of the Scriptures, and his New Testaments were ordered to be burned as ‘untrue translations.

100- Their basic argument for the use of original works (abridged translations being acceptable as well) is that these are the products of ” genius “.

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