transitory in a sentence

Use ‘transitory’ in a sentence | ‘transitory’ example sentences

1- What is seen is transitory whereas what is invisible is eternal.

2- They prey upon transitory souls like salmon spawning upstream””.

3- Your daily experience is through a transitory material prism.

4- Memory span is transitory ; memory is fairly permanent.

5- But the beneficial effects are often transitory .

6- They are transitory moments in each story.

7- This transitory stage is a learning stage .

8- In 1859 a second and transitory bridge were built again.

9- Absolutely everything in the transitory potentially creates tunnel vision.

10- Death is often viewed as transitory rather than final.

11- How transitory are the most apparently substantial things.

12- His legend would begin its long transitory rise.

13- It drove home the transitory nature of life.

14- Where they are now is more transitory .

15- Contacts with China were much more transitory .

16- All life is transitory , a dream.

17- The darkness is the stain upon the transitory but visible color.

18- Intermediate states are considered unstable and are, therefore, transitory .

19- Music , dance , and theater were once considered utterly transitory .

20- All that destroys is transitory , but order is everlasting.

21- But there are still an enormous number of transitory situations.

22- But still enjoying the transitory experience of the thing.

23- And that created darkness goes when the transitory goes.

24- As the color is transitory so is the stain.

25- All such painful states are transitory and purificatory states.

26- This canal can be transitory or permanent.

27- We can write Friedman makes two important assumptions about transitory consumption.

28- One’s physical body, wealth and other resources are transitory .

29- Feldman summarizes informational power as the most transitory type of power.

30- Some will be transitory while others will remain a traditional part.

31- To a large degree, this is a transitory problem.

32- They don’t impair vision and they are transitory .

33- The fingers may tingle but the discomfort is transitory .

34- The materials encourage us to view them as transitory .

35- It elevates something finite and transitory to infinite and eternal validity.

36- transitory pathological spectra appear from glare or dazzle.

37- Overall, cliques are a transitory social phase.

38- The exposure unveils what is permanent and what is transitory .

39- Nor were all the cooperative gains of Rudd transitory or dismantled .

40- Food security can be transitory , seasonal, or chronic. Modern performance art is often deliberately transitory.

41- The peace of the Buddha comes from an acceptance of the transitory nature of life.

42- Thoreau once suggested that the pleasures of the intellect are permanent, the pleasures of the heart are transitory.

43- Gordon Parks once remarked, “I do find a certain fascination with the unpredictable.

44- The transitory years we wade through are what they are – what we make of them.

45- “The issue centres around the retention of so-called non-transitory records.

46- “After transitory weakness in the first quarter, the manufacturing outlook has improved.

47- He somehow naturally absorbs it, understands it is transitory, and that life continues regardless.

48- The Fed has judged weak inflation as being caused by “transitory” factors such as lower energy prices.

49- Food insecurity can be categorized as either chronic or transitory.

50- In 1171, Saladin seized Fatimid Egypt, and installed the transitory Ayyubid dynasty on the throne.

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