transitions in a sentence 2

Use ‘transitions’ in a sentence | ‘transitions’ example sentences

51- Thus phase transitions in many different systems may be described by the same underlying scale-invariant theory.

52- SiC also has a very low coefficient of thermal expansion (4.0 10 −6 /K) and experiences no phase transitions that would cause discontinuities in thermal expansion.

53- CMOS gates at the end of those resistive wires see slow input transitions.

54- Lev Landau gave a phenomenological theory of second order phase transitions.

55- Under hyperpolarizing conditions, NLC decreases and prestin transitions back to its elongated state.

56- In some cases, permeable asphalt or concrete can be used to improve drainage in the cross slope transitions.

57- ” Ninomiya has been criticized for not handling transitions between storylines well, Santos, Carlo (30 November 2007).

58- Today Senegal has a democratic political culture, being part of one of the most successful democratic transitions in Africa.

59- This was a period of rapid climatic transitions around the North Atlantic, some of which took place during a matter of decades.

60- These changes can also be combined (e.g. rotation-vibration transitions ), leading to new absorption lines at the combined energy of the two changes.

61- The shoulder continuously curves and transitions from the body radius to the neck radius at the point of tangency at the shoulder between the two radii.

62- These are known as solid-solid phase transitions wherein latent heat is liberated as a crystal lattice changes to a more thermodynamically favorable, compact one.

63- All paleontologists know that the fossil record contains precious little in the way of intermediate forms; transitions between major groups are characteristically abrupt.

64- “Mean field theory of magnetic phase transitions“.

65- In January 2010 he joined Garmin-transitions as assistant general manager.

66- The Magic Movie Wizard creates an edited movie with effects and transitions.

67- The Kingdom Expo and Antique Car Museum emphasizes transitions in transportation.

68- Sidekicks, buddies, girlfriends who advise the hero through the transitions of life.

69- “Exploring sustainability transitions in the electricity sector with socio-technical pathways”.

70- Fig. 7 Water’s temperature does not change during phase transitions as heat flows into or out of it.

71- Philosophical transitions of the Royal Society XXIX : 554. The next transits would occur in 1761 and 1769.

72- Work load The University transitions Program student work load is much higher than most regular high schools.

73- A weakness in Piaget’s theory could be that there isn’t proof in how one transitions from one stage to the next.

74- The game engine was made with QuickTime 3.0 video including QuickTime VR for the pan arounds and QuickTime Video for the transitions.

75- Johnson gradually expanded these sketches and added transitions between them, writing a piece that is to be played in exactly one hour.

76- Laporte forbidden f-f transitions can be activated by excitation of a bound “antenna” ligand.

77- Pomerania has experienced several transitions not only of culture and administration, but also of its population.

78- The quark condensate is therefore an order parameter of transitions between several phases of quark matter in this limit.

79- In several cases sharp transitions have been observed between two different density amorphous states of the same material.

80- Fischer signed with Garmin-transitions on January 3, 2010, to be part of Tyler Farrar ‘s leadout train in the upcoming season.

81- Single phase regions are separated by lines of non-analytical, where phase transitions occur, which are called phase boundaries.

82- Penderecki carefully transitions into the percussion B section with relative smoothness in opposition to the contrast in timbre.

83- Pure crystals, though, can have distinct spectral transitions and the crystal arrangement also has an effect on the observed molecular spectra.

84- 1990 – Melting transitions Davson was invited to exhibit a survey exhibition of her art in the Manning Regional Art Gallery in Taree in April 1990.

More Sentences: 12
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