transit in a sentence 2

Use ‘transit’ in a sentence | ‘transit’ example sentences

51- Suburbs generally develop in areas where there is easy access to mass transit.

52- Find someone who usually uses public transit to go to work or school.

53- transitionIf more people used public transit, it would help to reduce air pollution in our cities.

54- The logical way to reduce the number of cars on the road would be to make mass transit more attractive.

55- Discussion question: Do you think that public transit should be free in order to encourage people to use their cars less?In Vancouver, there is a seabus which shuttles between Vancouver and North Vancouver as part of the transit system.

56- Studies show that public transit is mostly used by people making regular trips each day, usually to work or school.

57- In my opinion, the government should reduce the fare for city buses in order to get more people to use mass transit.

58- In all natural processes, energy is never created or destroyed, but is merely transformed from one form into another.

59- transitThe transportation system of Vancouver includes gas-powered buses, electric buses, sea buses, and light rapid-transit trains.

60- The transportation system of Vancouver integrates gas-powered buses, electric buses, sea buses, and light rapid-transit trains.

61- I’m in transit between flights now.

62- I’ve spent hours on a plane so far, after changing planes now it’s another two hours.

63- Cornwall Street, westbound (in front of transit Information Centre).

64- All regular transit will be detoured from Jasper Ave to 102nd Avenue.

65- 776247There are no major problems to report on the TTC or GO transit.

66- 547924Our team is removing that function,”” Calgary transit tweeted.”

67- It brings transit directions, a news-viewing app and other refinements.

68- 857049Those who do not will be returned to their last transit country.

69- I went to hand in my resignation to transit with TV cameras behind me.”

70- The retention pond project is part of the rapid transit expansion plan.

71- Libya is a major transit route for migrants hoping to make it to Europe.

72- It has poor transit connections and a small and impoverished population.

73- 900681We at the Amalgamated transit Union want to see a happy reunion.”””

74- The money will fund transit, roads, schools, hospitals and other projects.

75- There’s no way we can have a mass transit system covering 500 square miles.

76- By TOM KRISHER and DEE-ANN DURBIN Hide / Show comments Cut transit funding!

77- The study suggests tolls would encourage more people to use public transit.

78- transit District 3 puts their best foot forward to stomp out breast cancer..

79- transit will be running in both cities on a reduced Sunday/holiday schedule.

80- Several Halifax transit routes will be affected by the Halifax Pride Parade.

81- “There should be no misinterpretation about the commitment for rapid transit.

82- Boston’s transit system, the nation’s oldest, has been particularly hard hit.

83- View gallery Protesters get on light rail at the Mall of America transit hub.

84- But many of these migrants are only in transit to western European countries.

85- The Paris regional transit is also putting an emphasis on multilingual agents.

86- 386383It announced plans to build more transit camps near the Serbian border.

87- transit transit presents route choices in a grid, which takes getting used to.

88- A few Halifax transit buses have been brought in to keep pets out of the cold.

89- Sherrer said he accepts the need for quality transit but objects to high costs.

90- The transit system has been crippled there by a relentless series of snowstorMs. On Monday, Kyiv warned it will raise gas transit tariffs if Russia doesn’t budge.

91- Libya has turned into a major transit route for migrants fleeing war and poverty.

92- More recently, Smith is accused of punching a plainclothes transit police officer.

93- Patrick Keller Jr 5pts Gas prices is the main reason people are not riding transit.

94- Charlotte Area transit System is operating buses and the LYNX light rail as normal.

95- But for what its target buyer wants, Azure’s transit Connect may be the right idea.

96- 253934“Great cities have both,” as Tory said Monday – both expressways and transit.

97- From transit to infrastructure, watch for promises of new revenue streams for cities.

98- It said he was texting and driving – an immediate firing offense for a transit driver.

99- Patience is appreciated while we get passengers around safely, Halifax transit tweeted.

100- We’re out of that period, John Manconi told the city’s transit commission on Wednesday.

More Sentences: 1234
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