transferred in a sentence

Use ‘transferred’ in a sentence | ‘transferred’ example sentences

1- No way certain element had been transferred .

2- This meeting smoothly transferred into public hearings.

3- That transferred force is the ground force reaction.

4- Possibly twice this amount was transferred informally.

5- All were transferred in 1945–46.

6- Some battalions were dissolved while others were transferred to distant provinces.

7- The aides were transferred to fire apparatus.

8- Several military officers were transferred to inactive posts.

9- He later voluntarily transferred to another office.

10- Each transferred message must eventually be “settled”.

11- The collection was eventually transferred in 2004.

12- The documents were finally transferred in 2005.

13- How is heat transferred throughout the earth system?

14- It is either transferred arc or non transferred arc typed.

15- It is either transferred arc or non transferred arc typed.

16- A transferred arc possesses high energy density and plasma jet velocity.

17- For wet or greasy fingers approximately more was transferred .

18- The shares eventually transferred to family members.

19- These transferred votes are known as “preferences.

20- She was later transferred to less visible posts.

21- Some land had been transferred to environmental uses.

22- Over 400 employees were transferred or terminated.

23- Prisoners are later transferred to open farm prisons.

24- Seriously ill prisoners were transferred to outside hospitals.

25- He was subsequently transferred to another school .

26- Some monastic property was transferred to existing cathedrals.

27- That person transferred to another team shortly afterward.

28- All are transferred from excellent restored prints.

29- The issue is how much is being transferred .

30- The county seat was transferred in 1874.

31- The entire narcotics department was later fired or transferred .

32- It’s ownership has transferred numerous times.

33- In communications, message values are transferred using transmission media.

34- The entire squadron is being transferred , temporarily.

35- The general was transferred to this division.

36- My clerk had been transferred to there.

37- I had killed my chances of being transferred .

38- How attitudes are transferred in the workplace.

39- We also protect data which is being transferred .

40- In 1878 they were transferred to canvas supports. He transferred his office to Osaka.

41- He transferred to the office in Chiba.

42- She transferred from the bus to the subway.

43- The factory has been transferred to Hokkaido.

44- He was transferred to the head office in Tokyo.

45- He has transferred all his knowledge to his son.

46- They were transferred from one office to another.

47- His soninlaw was transferred to an overseas branch.

48- His colleague was transferred to an overseas branch.

49- I decided that he should be transferred to the branch.

50- The office has been transferred up to the sixth floor.

More Sentences: 1234
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transfer fromtransferred totransferabletransferaltransferalstransferencetransferencestransferredtransferringtransferstransfigurationtransfigurationstransfiguretransfiguredtransfigures

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