training in in a sentence

Use ‘training in’ in a sentence | ‘training in’ example sentences

1- The program must provide training in living donor transplantation.

2- All staff members received training in learning styles theory.

3- Are girls getting enough leadership training in schools?

4- The cadets receive military training in parallel together.

5- The feud began during spring training in 1898.

6- After graduating further training in hospitals is available.

7- Many pilot training installations discontinued training in 1945.

8- Korean military personnel receive training in martial arts.

9- The police academy program includes training in human rights.

10- Scarf never received formal training in economics.

11- Initial training in liturgical documents is provided.

12- We call for better training in assessment too.

13- I retired from active training in 1991.

14- Will provide training in wide range of practical skills.

15- That is why training in managing meetings may be helpful.

16- This course provides advanced training in analytic and persuasive legal writing.

17- Or is training in contemplative practice essential for apostolic selfless service?

18- Does training in apostolic selfless service replace training in contemplative practice?

19- Does training in apostolic selfless service replace training in contemplative practice?

20- This is called the training in heightened virtue.

21- training in domestic violence intervention has also improved.

22- New officers undergo training in investigative and enforcement certificate courses.

23- The primary peer received training in social interaction and communication skills.

24- My baby brother is leaving for basic training in 3 weeks.

25- Fluid replacement recommendations for training in hot weather.

26- Everyone experiences the training in different ways.

27- What is education and training in human resource development?

28- Most academic institutions require that teachers complete academic training in interpreting.

29- Parent training in family management practices was also provided.

30- He finished his formal training in 2003.

31- He got training in fencing and pistol shooting.

32- She began training in various martial arts and fighting techniques.

33- He has broad jumped 22 feet without training in that event.

34- Four weeks of advanced training in combat diving.

35- The last of those officers completed training in 1996.

36- Koenig has some training in martial arts.

37- Students were often sent abroad for training in foreign fleets.

38- The cadets are given military training in small arms and parades.

39- It offers training in either basic sail or beginner band.

40- He officially started his training in 2000. All soldiers get survival training in the army.

41- Right now I’m training in preparation for the day we set off.

42- They attributed his bad manners to lack of training in childhood.

43- The race was won by a transplanted Australian now living and training in London.

44- Part of our training in first aid included a mock fire with multiple casualties.

45- Paul Nation states that when learners are given training in guessing the meaning of new vocabulary from context, they should work with texts where at least 95% of the words are familiar to them.

46- Members were dispatched for two years of training in China and Russia.

47- And yes, it’s “easy” even for those who’ve had zero training in animation.

48- Inside the department, stepped up training in engagement and ethical policing.

49- None of the troops had received any training in mounting amphibious operations.

50- “He has at least basic combat training in the U.S. Marine Corps in the mid-1980s.

More Sentences: 1234
Related Words:
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