trained in a sentence 4

Use ‘trained’ in a sentence | ‘trained’ example sentences

151- Woody” Woodward, PhD is a CEC certified executive coach trained in organizational psychology.

152- Rebecca Clowers, clerk, and Officer Mitchell Lasater will be trained to install the monitors.

153- 136745But the classically trained actor claims he almost passed up playing the golden droid.

154- He added that staff who work at the residences should be better trained to respond to a fire.

155- Have you ever been trained by family on what to do when gun shots interrupt the silent nights?

156- During the Cold War, German Tornado jets located at Büchel had trained with mock metal devices.

157- It’s also home to P’Chit’s Brewing Academy where he has trained scores of aspiring homebrewers.

158- Dogs that are already trained in finding drugs have their skills tested in locating explosives.

159- But this time, riding a horse trained by her stepfather Nick Williams, she won by four lengths.

160- All three now have trained units of hackers and drone pilots for offense and defense operations.

161- He added that he was poorly trained and not approached or redirected in any way by the employer.

162- Trudeau asked how Canadian pilots would avoid having Syrian air defence weapons trained on them.

163- “But if rebels could be vetted and trained effectively, it would be helpful in a number of ways.

164- A Harvard-trained attorney, she is also managing partner of Martin & Martin, LLP in Los Angeles.

More Sentences: 1234
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