trail in a sentence 4

Use ‘trail’ in a sentence | ‘trail’ example sentences

150- Kelly Block is running for the Conservatives in the riding of Carlton trail-Eagle Creek.

151- Both Tiddlywinks and Funner connect to the Storm King trail just south of Century Drive.

152- Saddle up your liberal bs and hit the trail with the rest of the Global Warming Dreamers.

153- No road or trail closures are expected, but people are asked to be aware of fire traffic.

154- Rear windows and side windows were damaged or completely smashed along Jack Rabbit trail.

155- To find all the automated payments tied to a credit card, follow the digital paper trail.

156- The Iditarod trail Sled Dog Race starts Saturday with a ceremonial run through Anchorage.

157- While the directors come from different backgrounds, they all share a love for the trail.

158- She will often do the Chief Peguis trail or other trails in and around the Kildonan area.

159- Not only are the sales of trail permit passes increasing, so are the sales of snowmobiles.

160- Fans charge the field and trail her every move, demanding autographs and selfies with her.

161- Naturally, there are also trail markers in Lexington, about a half-hour beyond Greensboro.

162- In another, a child walks by a covered corpse leaking a trail of blood 10 feet to the curb.

163- Hike up a moderate trail, discuss seasonal changes and identify planets and constellations.

More Sentences: 1234
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