tragedy in a sentence 3

Use ‘tragedy’ in a sentence | ‘tragedy’ example sentences

101- This is a true tragedy, and the visit here has shown us that, Merkel said.

102- People rushed into the area, and that’s how the tragedy occurred,” he said.

103- He has a tattoo on his right forearm of comedy and tragedy masks and skulls.

104- The authorities have been criticised for both their handling of the tragedy.

105- Joan Sebastian’s life was marked on many occasions by tragedy and hardships.

106- But that same ocean would play a role in the tragedy that ended Lizzi’s life.

107- The tragedy of the current crisis is this: almost everyone comes out a loser.

108- Many people were moved to donate after the tragedy that rocked the community.

109- The star – who was away at the time – said this was an “unthinkable tragedy“.

110- Any steps that could help prevent another tragedy like this one must be taken.

111- He’d lost multiple cousins in the October 2014 tragedy, including the shooter.

112- 805202The students Rosenbaum represents have experienced unthinkable tragedy.

113- It is a tragedy,” the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) said in a statement.

114- We will never forget the tragedy that your people went through, Hollande said.

115- It is very important to prevent another family suffering a tragedy like ours.”

116- 904913“We fear an overreaction or rush to judgment regarding the Oso tragedy.”

117- Together is the only way that we can find our way out of this national tragedy.

118- The EU’s scaling back of border patrols has been blamed for the latest tragedy.

119- But now, one week later, he realizes no one can predict such a horrible tragedy.

120- “It’s a horrible tragedy when a young gang member loses his life,” O’Toole said.

121- The tragedy would never have occurred but for Tamerlan – none of it,” Clarke said.

122- This is not a tragedy, one of the film’s directors, Philip Lord, wrote on Twitter.

123- We are very sorry this tragedy happened, and sorry everyone has suffered so much.”

124- As a parent, no one can imagine that kind of tragedy, losing all of your children.

125- “There has been enough tragedy and there has been enough bloodshed in Waco, Texas.

126- It was a really big tragedy for Russia and all of the other countries, said Dasha.

127- Sadly, we lost one of our own in this tragedy, Google said in a statement Saturday.

128- At the same time, her biological parents have begun speaking out about the tragedy.

129- 282145He said he knew his opponents would criticize him for politicizing a tragedy.

130- Our thoughts are with everyone affected by this tragedy, said police in a statement.

131- 442902Just another tragedy brought about in part by the pathetic state agency, CPS.

132- 844523This is a terrible tragedy and our hearts go out to the families suffering.”””

133- Cole testified he heard Routh talk about the shootings four months after the tragedy.

134- CNN: You’ve turned personal tragedy into something that benefits an entire community.

135- I’ve gained back about five or six, which doesn’t make me happy, but isn’t a tragedy.

136- But did the tragedy of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 really have to be such a mystery?

137- After last week’s tragedy, do you see a way that robots could be able to help victims?

138- In December, Formula 1’s governing body, the FIA, published a report into the tragedy.

139- This is a huge tragedy that has happened on our Strip, police Lt. Peter Boffelli said.

140- This is a huge tragedy that has occurred on our Strip, police Lt. Peter Boffelli said.

141- This is the cycle we go through each and every time a public, violent tragedy strikes.

142- 581868Realize that this tragedy is part of a larger system that devalues black lives.

143- It’s not the first tragedy to strike events connected to Oklahoma State spots prograMs. This is an appalling tragedy, said Jean-Nicolas Marti, head of the ICRC in Afghanistan.

144- They were demonstrating against his attitude to minorities and the mine tragedy in Soma.

145- By Huang Tien-lin ??? Earlier this month the final curtain came down on a Greek tragedy.

146- It’s a shame these governors would use a tragedy like Paris for their own political gain.

147- Boston bombings: A week in photos 23 photos The city was quiet the day after the tragedy.

148- “Our thoughts remain with the victims and families who have suffered unspeakable tragedy.

149- But in the wake of the tragedy, “we had extraordinary public support there,” Knecht said.

150- A homemade political tragedy The outlook is bleak also for other leading political actors.

More Sentences: 1234
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