trade wind in a sentence

Use ‘trade wind’ in a sentence | ‘trade wind’ example sentences

1- South east trade winds have decreased strength.

2- Warm days are tempered by trade winds and cool nights.

3- Northeastern trade winds keep this tropical island relatively cool and dry.

4- The east to west trade winds weaken and sometimes reverse direction.

5- Normal trade winds near equator blow to the west.

6- The Pacific Ocean has warmed amid weak trade winds .

7- The winds are north alizé trade winds .

8- The trade winds are your fingers on my eyelids.

9- During the dry season, the northeast trade winds are prominent.

10- Catch the trade winds in your sails.

11- When the season ended , the trade winds started howling.

12- Columbus drew the maps , established where the trade winds were.

13- American Samoa’s climate regime is dominated by southeast trade winds .

14- Northeast trade winds are consistent and there is little seasonal temperature variation.

15- From May to October the southeast trade winds dominate.

16- La Nina trade winds are blowing the warm water below the surface.

17- Our destination would be down wind, with the trade winds .

18- The winter months are dominated by southeast trade winds and mostly fine weather.

19- The climate is characterized as tropical marine moderated by seasonal northeast trade winds .

20- It exists because of the convergence of the trade winds .

21- trade winds usually build in the afternoon to 12 – 15 knots.

22- Its only apparent impact was to cause intensification of the trade winds .

23- Meanwhile, Linda turned west under the influence of northerly trade winds .

24- In the remaining months, the south-easterly trade winds are recorded.

25- It lies directly across the path of the balmy north trade winds .

26- This sets up the global patterns, such as the trade winds .

27- If I remember correctly, the trade winds blow from that direction.

28- This low pressure zone trough also forms the ITCZ and trade winds .

29- They talk about trade winds , clippers, niños.

30- Is there a trade wind blowing ?

31- The nights are cool and at times cold when the trade winds blow.

32- In normal conditions, trade winds blow across the Pacific toward the west.

33- The trade wind blows more or less along the length of the island.

34- It is this weakening of the trade winds that initiates El Niño.

35- South-east trade winds prevail from April to the end of November.

36- The trade winds from approximately 0° to 30° north or south latitude.

37- These two major wind systems in Nigeria are known as the trade winds .

38- The Islands experience a tropical savanna climate, affected by moderate trade winds .

39- trade winds are prevalent over the island from the East to West.

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