trade talks in a sentence

22- Bush needed a renewal of negotiating authority to move forward with the NAFTA trade talks .

23- Before the Palm Springs meeting, trade talks between Japan and America were going nowhere.

24- Chile’s trade talks with Malaysia and Thailand are also scheduled to continue in 2008.

25- Bananas have been an important source of disagreement in the Doha Round of trade talks .

26- The conference, bringing together the world’s seven leading industrial nations, centred on trade talks .

27- BRITAIN swept aside French protests last night and ordered the restart of the GATT trade talks .

28- Throughout her time in this Ministry, Coughlan was involved in ongoing WTO trade talks .

29- He believed it would help bring the stalled Uruguay Round of trade talks back on track.

30- Instead it urged trade talks to go forward , as planned, according to a statement.

31- Rob Rossi notes that general managers have been told Beau Bennett is off-limits in trade talks .

32- The Chinese government refused to allow the human rights concerns to become an issue in trade talks .

33- After hitting multiple dead ends, the Nets have decided to cancel trade talks and move on.

34- Prime Minister Abe and President Obama leave open the question of Tokyo joining Asia trade talks .

35- The Broncos said that they did not initiate the trade talks , but instead listened to offers.

36- Q. What significance do the European single market and GATT world trade talks have for Courtaulds?

37- All of this a distraction as Secretary of State Clinton is in China for trade talks .

38- FTAA negotiations have effectively stalled until at least the conclusion of the 2006 Doha round global trade talks .

39- At a news conference following the bilateral summit Key urged Japan to be part of the trade talks .

40- This month the European Commission will host a sixth round of EU-US trade talks on the TTIP.

41- In September 1996, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras opened free trade talks with Mexico.

42- The move to EC-wide quotas will be seen as a fresh obstacle to the Gatt world trade talks .

43- To seize it he must not let Mr Kaifu get all the credit if the trade talks succeed.

44- The trade Negotiations Committee (TNC) is the committee that deals with the current trade talks round.

45- trade talks were unfruitful.

46- His name surfaced in trade talks last February , but the Knicks wisely hung on to the talented swingman.

47- The election of Clinton came on the day when trade talks between Europe and the US broke down again.

48- We see the successful conclusion of the Uruguay round of the GATT world trade talks as an urgent priority.

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