traced in a sentence 3

Use ‘traced’ in a sentence | ‘traced’ example sentences

100- This revealed little, and the problem was traced to inadequate direction finding.

101- Early morning, the Red early warning system traced a launch to the Western Negev area.

102- Dr Sunic traced the lexical manipulations embedded in the German, and French criminal code.

103- ‘ Every social problem that we face today can be traced back to a dysfunctional family life.

104- In 2008 a path was added that traced the history of the rose from Roman times to the present.

105- Several English words can be traced to Guaraní roots, such as “tapioca”, “toucan” and “jaguar.

106- The SP-510UZ model can be traced back to the C-2100 Ultra Zoom, which was launched back in 2000.

107- Tired and woe-begone, Hoarse with making moan, Arm in arm, seven days They traced the desert ways.

108- Bhadra’s history can be traced from the time of Mahabharata where it was mentioned that Bhadra is in Kurupradesh.

109- ” Their origins can be traced back to the gong in both sound and shape, and thus they are given their name “china”.

110- Laxmi Prasad Soni), Vidyasagar Book Stall, Satna, p. 5 History Maihar’s history can be traced since the Paleolithic Age.

111- Teixeira maintains Ohlone is the common usage since 1960, which has been traced back to the Rancho Oljon on the Pescadero Creek.

112- Based on archeological findings of ancient pottery, tools and tackles, Mathura’s ancient history has been traced to about 1200 BC.

113- No longer anonymous, he realizes that if he chooses a third country, his disloyal choice will be traced to his family and they will suffer.

114- The graph viewport can be resized and shifted (these settings can be saved for later retrieval), and points along the graph curves can be traced.

115- Religion in York can be traced back to the City’s foundation in Roman times with evidence of York ‘s first Christian community dating from this period.

116- Svea artilleriregemente (Svealand Artillery Regiment), designation A 1, was a Swedish Army artillery regiment that traced its origins back to the 17th century.

117- While Sir Martin’s male line came from certifiable British stock, his female lineage traced to Lexington through his damsire Hanover, thereby excluding him from choice matches.

118- The Mordvin word mirde denoting a husband or spouse is traced to the same origin.

119- ” Yogos were ultimately traced from the alluvium to their source within the dike.

120- Madeleine de Scudéry and Robert Arnauld d’Andilly traced his portrait in their works.

121- The Schmuck family name has been traced to the birth of Christian von Schmuck in 1370.

122- The fires also can be traced to people simply burning their trash or freshly cut grass.

123- The influences for modern surfing can be directly traced to the surfers of pre-contact Hawaii.

124- Luke’s genealogy of Joseph is traced back to David through his son Nathan (who was not a king).

125- The Wrockwardine Wood inclined plane can be traced, although it has been severed by a new road junction.

126- Origins The Tao principality in the 10th century The Bagrationi dynasty can be traced to the 6th century.

127- He remained in hiding in the city, and in spite of all the efforts of the Government, he could not be traced.

128- Middle Ages (800-1500) The beginnings of Scholasticism may be traced back to the days of Charlemagne (d. 814).

129- Banca Antoniana traced its origins back to its founding in Padua in 1893 under the name, Banca Cattolica Padovana.

130- The lineage of virtually all North American Standardbred race horses can be traced from Hambletonian 10’s four sons.

131- Jim was a treasure trove of eccentricities, most of which could be traced to after-effects of his 1960s drug intake.

132- ” (p. 26) In 1998, Slahi was heard by U.S. intelligence talking to al-Walid on a satellite phone traced to bin Laden.

133- Also, oral history can be traced back to Sunjata because in the story Sunjata’s griot’s play a major part to his success.

134- The rumours were cut short when Reipas’ lines were investigated and his breeding traced from the start of the purchase chain.

135- SSIB’s origins can be traced to the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association where it was a satellite meeting.

136- The shape traced out in the x-y plane by the electric field vector is a Lissajous figure that describes the polarization state.

137- The various ritual laws were therein traced to their Talmudic sources, and the decisions of the Geonim and later interpretations added.

138- There is, in general, no circle of ideas to which elements of gnosticism have been traced, and with which the Jews were not acquainted.

139- Jeff’s new girlfriend, Rita ( Nancy Travis ), has traced him and his abductor to the area, and discovers just in time what has happened.

140- The name Chaulden can be traced back to 1523 as a local field name and means a chalky valley.

141- This church has a fascinating history that can be traced back to Saxon EnglandCitation needed.

142- Linell traced the watercolours from the “Butts set”; these tracings were then colored in by Blake.

143- Remains of Hellenistic houses and streets can still be traced, and there are numerous inscriptions.

144- The box was placed under surveillance and, eventually, the October letter was traced back to that box.

145- One cause of sensitive teeth can be traced to nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux disease (acid reflux).

146- The old name of Jamui has been traced as Jambhubani in a copper plate which has been kept in Patna Museum.

147- These verses have been traced back to 19th-century work songs, which were noted in a 1870s newspaper article.

148- Many Swing Timing problems can thus be traced back to miscalculations during this critical split-second pause.

More Sentences: 1234
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