towboat in a sentence

Use ‘towboat’ in a sentence | ‘towboat’ example sentences

1- towboats became a distinct type by 1860.

2- The towboat must be capable of maintaining the proper speed.

3- It was pushed by the steam towboat “Belle Prince.

4- Two other towboats were called to assist “Neftegaz” 67.

5- towboats moved the dredge and sand barges around as needed.

6- Private capital followed these improvements with heavy investments in towboats and barges.

7- Competition skiing uses specifically designed towboats .

8- Some, like the “Magnolia”, were converted into towboats .

9- Rusting and rotting hulks of big towboats lay there in melancholy disarray.

10- Most towboats have a very small hull and a flat bottom to minimize wake.

11- Barges are usually unpowered and must be moved by tugboats or towboats .

12- During that time, Bavaret piloted the towboat along the Mississippi without supervision.

13- Wiggins towboat , Depoe Bay, OR, is providing services for barge movements.

14- She handled the waves, the eddies, and the wakes of the towboats with ease.

15- Outside of the museum is one of the last steam-powered stern-wheeled towboats to operate in America.

16- Last November, the Stephen L. Colby towboat ran aground in LeClaire and began leaking diesel fuel.

17- The Joy, a side wheel river boat, formerly a towboat , occasionally reconnoitered the river below.

18- Some steam-powered, screw-propeller towboats were built but they were either later converted to diesel-power or retired.

19- Colonel Robertson directed the 1927 relief operations in the Marianna area from the towboat “St. Augustine”.

20- The service was popular until the towboat capsized in front of embarking passengers, causing them to lose interest.

21- In the years before World War II, towboat power soared steadily from 600 to 1,200 to 2,400.

22- Log rafts and raft towboats had disappeared and river cargo service had shifted to short-haul instead of long distance hauling.

23- By 1945, fully 50 percent of the towboats were diesel; by 1955, the figure was 97 percent.

24- It became the site of dry dock facilities for steamboats and towboats , and thus headquarters for many barge companies.

25- Many days are needed … A towboat and barges make their way up the Allegheny River under three historic bridges.

26- Bavaret testified that on July 20, Carver left the towboat via a lifeboat, promising to return in 18 hours.

27- The response of the “Ollie K. Wilds”, commercial towboats , and the local Coast Guard units was commendable.

28- Commercial towboats along with government and emergency response personnel will be locked through during the maintenance windows if the lock is operational.

29- The company’s only other work in this period was for the production of a few towboats and some ship repair work.

30- It is also known that DRD had failed a safety audit in May, and was facing probation or revocation from the American Waterways Operators , a national trade association for the tugboat, towboat and barge industry.

31- Bavaret said he filled in for absent captains on several towboats , and knew of several other DRD employees who had done the same.

32- Bavaret told the hearing that Carver’s absence forced him to take on both his own duties, and those normally performed by the towboat‘s captain.

33- With Captain Terry Carver nowhere to be found, piloting of the towboat , the Mel Oliver, was left to the ship’s apprentice mate, John Bavaret.

34- The improperly licensed pilot at the helm of a towboat involved in the July 23 Mississippi River oil spill told a Coast Guard hearing yesterday that the vessel’s captain was on shore, visiting his girlfriend, when the oil spill occurred.

35- There’s also Bassmaster Elite Series pro Britt Myers, who was stranded during practice for the Lake Wheeler Bassmaster Elite Series event on the Tennessee River, miles from the ramp with nightfall approaching, and now brags about BoatUS’ on-the-water towboat service.

36- It offers boat-owning fishermen services such as on-the-water breakdown and towing assistance provided by the largest fleet of towboats in North America, as well as roadside boat trailer and tow vehicle assistance through 20,000 specialized towing companies.

37- March 2010 West Coast Contractors, with assistance from Wiggins towboat , completed the installation of test piles to support the new NOAA pier facility.

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