touting in a sentence

Use ‘touting’ in a sentence | ‘touting’ example sentences

1- The surveyor wrote to successful grant applicants touting for custom.

2- CBS has been touting this story for years .

3- Taylor spent his life touting his philosophy.

4- I am not touting the club around.

5- To celebrate its anniversary, administration officials are touting its successes.

6- But I found the production company’s touting tactics somewhat ironic.

7- There are a plethora of companies touting this ingredient.

8- You ‘ve seen the commercials touting so-called insanity workouts?

9- This is simply Care UK touting their private services.

10- Rage posted here and spammed under multiple names touting his site.

11- This is California which is touting how much everyone will save !

12- Then a speaker appears, touting the virtues of thinking positively.

13- Obama spent lots of money touting the improved economies in both states .

14- I thought he’d be touting for business!

15- Was he touting for custom from his readers?

16- There are many people everywhere today touting the benefits of couponing.

17- I’m not touting capitalism at all.

18- Reaganites might wanna back off touting his praises!

19- Sanjay, 41, is one of those touting his wares.

20- Recently, drug manufacturers have been touting the benefits of testosterone therapy.

21- It also describes many false religions, some touting themselves as denominations.

22- Introduction: Experts everywhere are touting the health benefits of regular exercise.

23- Soon, many benchmark sites began touting 32-bit as a standard.

24- For five days, Memphis television stations carried commericals touting the event.

25- So much for the Best Western advertising campaign touting their great hotels.

26- Some banks have begun touting for the business of processing for rivals.

27- I’ve been touting ChromeOS for years.

28- Agents will be touting other clubs already and expect a mass exodus .

29- touting models is nothing but incontrovertible proof of mendacity .

30- Anyone touting a rumour just now is talking out their bumholes.

31- Shaw kicks his post off by touting some impressive Windows 7 sales numbers .

32- Advertisements have been run across banners touting the ability to save time.

33- Many in the healthcare industry are touting the therapeutic value of healing gardens.

34- But at least it was much less embarrassing than touting his own stuff.

35- The President then hit the road, touting his one-of-a-kind program.

36- Why isn’t Obama touting price reform as part of his grand plan?

37- And it was double the food tax cut that Ramsey is now touting .

38- Might buy some more and do some touting at Scunthorpe.

39- If anything he’s touting capitalism.

40- Some residents touting a plan to create parking in the warehouse are livid . Carl’s Jr. is touting the new line as a first for the fast-food industry.

41- Twitter executives spent a lot of time touting Moments on a post-earnings call.

42- Nvidia is further touting the X1 as the “world’s first teraflop mobile processor.”

43- Police in a smog-clotted town in northwest Michigan are touting the arrest of Batman.

44- Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV led with the news of Allouch’s killing, touting it as a victory.

45- In Anaheim and Los Angeles on Wednesday he is touting solar energy and U.S.-China relations.

46- While the rest of the world is touting him as a child prodigy, Lenox just goes about his life.

47- That’s why the American Humane Association is touting its past to move animal welfare forward.

48- Suidobashi has been releasing impressive YouTube videos touting its machine’s features for years.

49- And Scalise is touting his Catholic faith as a reason he wouldn’t associate with white supremacists.

50- As to whether or not the deal is a “historic event,” I disagree with many who are touting it as such.

More Sentences: 12
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