tort in a sentence

Use ‘tort’ in a sentence | ‘tort’ example sentences

1- Many mass tort attorneys are also experienced personal injury attorneys.

2- A ” tort ” is a civil wrong.

3- These rules are typically those of tort .

4- The standard action in tort is negligence.

5- We still need to address tort reform.

6- For example, “addresses tort reform.

7- The public won’t support tort reform.

8- Clearly tort reform is needed to address these concerns.

9- Why pay tort damages to the victim?

10- A tort does not include breach of contract.

11- What is the point of tort law?

12- A personal injury claim is as a tort .

13- Gomez failed in attempts to obtain tort reform.

14- The average change in tort filings was a 15% decrease.

15- Not all tort reform supporters support all proposed tort reforms.

16- Not all tort reform supporters support all proposed tort reforms.

17- The primary criticism of the tort system is economic.

18- Johnson in 1996 chaired a special committee examining tort reform.

19- It is similar to a civil law tort .

20- Civil laws cover contract and liability in tort .

21- The main element of the tort is “interference”.

22- There is some overlap between criminal law and tort .

23- Emotional distress has been recognized as an actionable tort .

24- Thus her damages in tort are £100.

25- The tort would enable compensation for injury .

26- This course will introduce students to tort practice.

27- So would tort reform lower health-care costs?

28- Election of tort options. § 1701.

29- Punitive damages are relatively uncommon in contractual cases versus tort cases.

30- There are torts where a different test is used.

31- V. Why pay tort damages to the victim?

32- There was a tort for cialis after viagra was released.

33- Why not do everything with tort law?

34- Why not apply the same analysis to tort liability?

35- Where is the tort reform that was asked for?

36- Med Pay is sold in states with traditional tort insurance laws.

37- The fact that a tort was committed is not sufficient.

38- The general tort laws of each state will govern these issues.

39- It is a tort and often a crime.

40- Sports’ tort law extends into other less obvious areas. fraSoit il a tort, soit c’est moi.

41- Negligence is a tort which arises when one party fails to exercise due care, causing another to be injured.

42- 5. Civil Rights: tort law can be used to uphold civil rights through the court system.

43- Legal scholarship His research was mainly in the fields of Roman law, jurisprudence and the law of tort.

44- California’s Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act has been cited as a model for tort reform in health care.

45- Was given between 1150 and 1158 to Molnells by Ramon Berenguer IV and Archbishop Bernard of tort.

46- B lives in State Y, which caps tort damages for injuries received in an auto accident at $100,000.

47- Transferred intent Act The element of an act varies by whatever tort is in question but always requires voluntariness.

48- Nuisance signifies that the “right of quiet enjoyment” is being disrupted to such a degree that a tort is being committed.

49- Negligence Negligence is a tort which depends on the existence of a breaking of the duty of care owed by one person to another.

50- This principle governs the recovery of all compensatory damages, whether the underlying claim is based on contract, tort, or both.

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