top-priority in a sentence 2

Use ‘top priority’ in a sentence | ‘top priority’ example sentences

51- Peskin, who joined the board last week, doesn’t consider the measure to be a top priority.

52- “Our top priority is helping Airbnb Open attendees, hosts, and travelers in Paris stay safe.

53- 402812It ranks as a top priority for Republicans just behind the economy in national polls.

54- She said safety was the airline’s top priority, and it was working to fix the matter quickly.

55- The fires in the Pacific Northwest get top priority when it comes to allocating pinched resources.

56- We know it’s time for a President that will make energy independence the top priority of the nation.

57- 242094From cradle to career, our children’s education needs to be our top priority,”” Rauner said.”

58- In accomplishing his victory, Campbell made economic recovery from the alleged economic difficulties of the 1990s a top priority.

59- Chandler made improvement of the paper’s quality a top priority, succeeding in raising the product’s reputation, as well as its profit margins.

60- “Major highway projects given top priority here”.

61- As like Benazir, the ongoing nuclear weapons and the energy program remained one of his top priority.

62- His command briefing gave top priority to completing the naval air station, over any attention to improving the island’s defenses.

63- CNr Media stated that SS501’s activities are top priority in his contract and that they have not disbanded.

64- However, in Task 14, she ceased to consider her past to be her top priority when Dark Shadow Tsukumogami Nendogami tried to falsify the past.

65- PPJC has made repeal of the so-called PATRIOT Act a top priority, and helped pass a City Council resolution against this assault on our civil liberties.

More Sentences: 12
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