took time in a sentence

How to use the word took time in a sentence

To travel anywhere took time and effort.

He never took time off to heal.

But it took time to develop interest.

British industrialists took time to appreciate what was happening.

It took time , but changes were made.

This was untrue and educating the bracket racing community took time .

Took time but could recognize word black .

It took time to find a date .

Terms of capitulation–surrender–all took time .

Curtis took time to consider his reply.

The problems were solved, but it took time .

It hence took time to recreate his father’s empire.

This process took time , during which the target aircraft moved.

Daniels then took time off from TNA.

For the next year Marriott took time off.

In addition, fine animation took time to make.

Joy Division took time to develop their sound.

It took time for these changes to become effective.

The scrambling of the other fighters took time .

Jeanne’s vital force was low; her healing took time .

That duty took time away from their continued artistic work.

Parents took time off to develop the playing fields and roads.

He always took time to help the poor and distressed.

Sporting pursuits also took time to recover and forget.

He then took time off the active roster due to injury.

All of these devices took time to operate.

It took time to rebuild the city after liberation.

They took time out of their lives.

But that took time and the emails kept coming.

It still took time to win the other regiments round.

All were very friendly and took time to explain their position.

Trackbed acquisition took time and careful negotiation.

Ziff took time off to successfully battle the prostate cancer.

It took time but I was able to mend our relationship.

It took time , but we got it.

It took time to do all this.

It took time , patience and a strong will.

True, it took time to free ourselves from old habits.

The Aggies forced a punt and took time off the clock.

We took time off to visit the former East Germany.

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