toning in a sentence

Use ‘toning’ in a sentence | ‘toning’ example sentences

1- Most ” toning shoes” are specifically for walking.

2- It is accomplished by toning down unattractive shortcomings.

3- Adams generally used selenium toning when processing prints.

4- An attractive effect made from three toning strips of fabric.

5- This is excellent for toning and shaping inner thighs.

6- Once the fat is gone concentrate on toning and strength training .

7- This adds to weight loss, flexibility and advanced toning .

8- Ask yourself what is more important – toning or size.

9- Q : Can the facial yoga toning minimize acne scars?

10- My arms are toning but its one big arm.

11- toning is simply about working and maintaining your skin.

12- It’s a medium bob with strong double toning .

13- Innovative personal training with a focus on toning !

14- I recommend swimming to everyone for losing weight and toning up.

15- Learn to recognise which areas are toning up and reducing.

16- Jumping rope is a great toning and cardiovascular workout.

17- Think toning happens when you just lose the fat?

18- Tinting and toning were sometimes applied together.

19- It’s just about toning my body.

20- A well-known type of toning is sepia tone.

21- I recommend toning down the anger with a few breaths .

22- That’s for endurance and toning , not muscle building.

23- Rebound, pages have expected toning plus some staining.

24- Some paper toning at edges and a few small stains in margins.

25- Decorative finishes include distressing, glazing, and toning .

26- Q : Does this facial toning remedy sun damage and liver spots?

27- Participants will discuss and try different approaches to tinting and toning .

28- It consisted of toning and short, high-intensity workouts.

29- A tweed jacket with a toning waistcoat for casual country elegance.

30- I have even started toning along and it makes me feel wonderful.

31- But it is not a panacea solution in toning our body.

32- Most people think that toning means getting more definition and firmer muscles.

33- Perhaps you heard that toning is “firming up the muscle”?

34- This exercise is brilliant for toning up the loose skin under the chin.

35- Butt toning Exercises Women must think of our buttocks as clay .

36- By toning up internal organs, they also prevent and cure many illnesses.

37- Warm-up will include meditation, stretching, toning , and isolation movements.

38- You will agree with me that toning is quite different from bleaching.

39- The Inch Loss Body toning Centre, .

40- Q : How soon in life may I begin this facial toning program? It’s an excellent activity for body toning your body so we paddled like pros before calling it a day.

41- The Technicolor Corporation continued to experiment with both tinting, toning and colorizing.

42- Lance decides to take a major step by toning down his lifestyle to assuage her fears and even seeks his family’s help to restore the resort to its former glory.

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