toils in a sentence

Use ‘toils’ in a sentence | ‘toils’ example sentences

1- If the child toils , the parents are uncomfortable.

2- So let my toils and my perils tell.

3- The monk toils in all he does.

4- Despite all his toils he never succeeded in attaining religious conversion.

5- John Major has escaped the toils of the poll tax.

6- Laurel’s marital toils were convoluted and confusingly reported.

7- He toils unto the point of weariness and exhaustion.

8- A faithful Christian disciple, he says, works, toils .

9- Thus the Bishu is an occasion for relaxation from hard toils .

10- Ch. 10: The Prince in the toils .

11- Diplomacy and consideration are alien to the spoiled child whom your bell toils .

12- We think no toils to come, nor mind the past.

13- Observe, how he struggles in his own toils .

14- A man in the basement toils all day making up brown paper packages.

15- In his lyrics, he used ” toils for people’s livelihood”.

16- She delivered her devotees from toils , and guided them in straight paths.

17- Other teams, denied the medical back-up, are already in the toils .

18- She toils with heavy emotional situations and fares as well as anyone could.

19- You can bet that this woman toils more hours than the average nine-to-fiver .

20- During September, October and November Lugano toils in finding its cruising speed.

21- What does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun?

22- Argo, the Ship, brings the weary travelers home from their toils and travels.

23- Now the delicate are those who cannot endure toils , nor anything that diminishes pleasure.

24- I wish I could tell you tonight that all our toils and troubles were over.

25- Daily Photo Galleries The worker toils at his unceasing labor and cries out for respect .

26- During your daily toils the interconnectivity of mind and consciousness is rarely thought about or discussed.

27- Amazing Grace: through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come.

28- But at least in the Mustapha vacuum another group of artistes tirelessly toils at annoyances.

29- Oliver, who toils with very little food, remains in the workhouse for six months.

30- Caught in the toils of his own deceit, Frere’s eyes scouted the room.

31- He spends his time and energy working , so his family can benefit from his toils .

32- No matter how many dedicated hours he toils , he faces an ever lengthening queue awaiting his services.

33- And for the father who toils from 8 to 5 — is he not a hero too?

34- When we wake it is to find ourselves alone and separate, trapped in the toils of matter.

35- Yet lured they were, ever deeper into the toils of matter, and women with them too.

36- Of their toils and trials, their sufferings and sorrows, we can have but very inadequate conceptions.

37- His friend the ox, who toils daily pulling the plough, complains of his life of heavy labor.

38- One simply toils on.

39- A sizeable centre with ancient agricultural traditions, it is a typical example of the resourceful toils of the region. Thro’ many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come; ‘Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home.

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