tofu in a sentence 2

Use ‘tofu’ in a sentence | ‘tofu’ example sentences

51- If your image of tofu is bland blocks of tasteless white protein, you haven’t eaten it in Kyoto.

52- Here tofu is handcrafted in tiny artisanal shops with top quality soy beans and pure spring water.

53- Black, white and seemingly bland pidan tofu isn’t a likely candidate for “love at first bite” fame.

54- tofu and tempe serve as common fish and meat replacement.

55- Economy rice stalls typically consist of a glass case containing anywhere from 10-15 troughs of cooked food, including meat, vegetables, eggs and tofu.

56- The process only adds odor to the marinated tofu instead of letting it ferment completely.

57- Korean sundubu (soft tofu) and Okinawan tofu is still produced in a similar manner, traditionally using seawater as a coagulant.

58- For example, Dr. tofu (a character in Ranma 1/2 ) and Masaharu Niou from Prince of Tennis all have small ponytails resembling rattails.

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