tobacco in a sentence 2

Use ‘tobacco’ in a sentence | ‘tobacco’ example sentences

51- I hear the governor’s been getting money under the table from tobacco companies.

52- tobacco use is the single most important preventable cause of death in the world.

53- The biggest consumer of tobacco products worldwide is China, where 60 percent of men smoke.

54- Cash crops of Colombia include coffee, bananas, flowers, cacao, cotton, sugar, and tobacco.

55- The report hammers tobacco companies for trying to hide the dangers of smoking from the public.

56- Studies show that tobacco is responsible for 30 percent of the cases of cancer in this country.

57- The cultivation of tobacco is an important source of income for many farms in Quebec and Ontario.

58- The government recently passed legislation which prohibits tobacco advertising at sporting events.

59- The government has a program to help subsidize farms that convert from growing tobacco to other crops.

60- tobacco addiction costs our society a lot of money in medical care for both smokers, and those around them.

61- Discussion question: How do you feel about the sponsorship of sporting or cultural events by large tobacco companies?We carry out treatments like whitening.

62- We also do tobacco stain removal and other cleaning procedures.

63- tobacco lobbyists have fought unsuccessfully against the federal government’s plans to outlaw tobacco advertising.

64- In 1997, the New York anti-tobacco lobby purchased hundreds of rooftop taxi ads warning of the dangers of smoking.

65- Studies show that more than half of all current tobacco users have tried to quit at least once during the past year.

66- I can’t believe that some tobacco executives persist in claiming that cigarettes haven’t been proven to cause cancer.

67- The World Health Organization regards tobacco as the only legal product that eventually kills half its regular users.

68- tobacco farmers are suggesting they should be compensated by the government for the cost of switching to other crops.

69- A spokesperson for the tobacco company claimed that the government ban on advertising was unfair and unconstitutional.

70- It seems illogical to me that marijuana is illegal when dangerous drugs like alcohol and tobacco are freely available.

71- There are more than 4,000 different chemical compounds, including heavy metals and pesticides, found in tobacco smoke.

72- The first African slaves arrived in the U.S. in 1619, and were imported to work on tobacco plantations.

73- In 1969, a leading American surgeon claimed that for the majority of people, the use of tobacco has a beneficial effect.

74- Many tobacco farmers in this country are diversifying into other crops because cigarettes are rapidly losing popularity.

75- Someone once said that a cigarette is a pinch of tobacco wrapped in paper with a fire at one end, and a fool at the other.

76- tobacco leaves are graded by things such as color, size, and position on the stem because lower leaves have less nicotine.

77- Comedian Jackie Mason once noted that it is more profitable for politicians to support the tobacco industry than your life.

78- tobacco leaves are graded by factors such as color, size, and position on the stem because lower leaves have less nicotine.

79- Studies show that children who are exposed to tobacco smoke in the home have more ear infections, and other health probleMs. In 1983, graffiti artists caused an unprecedented $1 million worth of damage to tobacco billboards in and around Sydney, Australia.

80- In December of 1998, a group working for an American tobacco company pleaded guilty of attempting to smuggle cigarettes into Canada.

81- I read somewhere that poor neighborhoods have a disproportionately high number of billboards selling tobacco and hard liquor products.

82- The government is proposing legislation that would require tobacco companies to pay for advertising to discourage people from smoking.

83- Studies show that almost half of those surveyed believe that tobacco companies deliberately target children and teens in their marketing.

84- Major tobacco companies are switching their sales efforts to emerging nations with their expanding populations, and rising spending power.

85- In China, up to one-quarter of government tax revenue from tobacco sales is used to treat the illnesses caused by cigarette smoking.

86- reverseMany people wonder why we continue to arrest young people for possession of marijuana, when studies show that it is less harmful than tobacco.

87- Smoking is becoming increasingly prevalent among young women in the Asian countries, due to an aggressive advertising campaign by tobacco companies.

88- Restrictions on tobacco advertising and sponsorship are key parts of a global treaty being organized by the World Health Organization to reduce smoking.

89- The government has hired young people to investigate whether local businesses are complying with the law outlawing the sale of tobacco products to minors.

90- Restrictions on tobacco advertising and sponsorship are key parts of a global treaty being organized by the World Health Organization to reduce smoking.

91- trembleIn China it is difficult to fight smoking because the tobacco industry is a national monopoly, and therefore the government has a vested interest in the industry.

92- The tobacco company’s long association with the sporting event came to an end when it was no longer found to be acceptable for cigarette companies to sponsor sports.

93- Common sources of indoor air pollution include tobacco smoke, biological organisms, building materials and furnishings, cleaning agents, copy machines, and pesticides.

94- The tobacco lobby is spending millions of dollars in an effort to stop the government from suing tobacco companies for health costs related to illnesses caused by smoking.

95- Women are a particularly tempting market for the tobacco industry now because only 7 percent of women in developing countries smoke, compared with 48 percent of men.

96- He said he only got Imperial tobacco products from Bridgeview Grocery.

97- Overall tobacco use was 7.7 percent for middle school students in 2014.

98- The six bills also expand on tobacco bans in schools and the workplace.

99- You think drug crimes are bad, tobacco crimes would be through the roof!

More Sentences: 1234
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