titanic in a sentence

Use ‘titanic’ in a sentence | ‘titanic’ example sentences

1- titanic victims are buried in the local graveyard.

2- titanic violin sells for a record price.

3- When the great ” titanic ” went down.

4- A hundred and fifty titanic victims are buried here .

5- It is considered the first serious ” titanic ” novel.

6- And people asked had the ” titanic ” gone down.

7- She assumes it is the ” titanic “.

8- Another theory involves ” titanic “s watertight doors.

9- Those measures had been taken after the ” titanic ” disaster.

10- The repeat rate for ” titanic ” was over 20%.

11- Ten minutes later, ” titanic ” hit an iceberg.

12- That’s how ” titanic ” worked.

13- titanic violin sells for $1 5 million – YouTube www.

14- The ill-fated titanic was built here in 1911.

15- At 2:20 am, titanic herself sank.

16- At 2:20, ” titanic ” sank.

17- High blood pressure should famously go titanic .

18- The band on titanic did play as the ship went down.

19- She is very interested in the titanic right now.

20- titanic the Experience * just may surprise you.

21- War losses were also greater than the titanic .

22- titanic II is the ship where dreams will come true .

23- He found the titanic and many other wrecks.

24- In his 1976 thriller “Raise the titanic !

25- I changed my iPod name to titanic .

26- John, the titanic slowly slipped beneath the waves.

27- The Dark Knight is the highest grossing movie since titanic .

28- Two ” titanic ” memorials stand in New York.

29- titanic Toad Of course she ‘s unhappy.

30- December 19, 1997: The movie titanic is released.

31- The effect of this formula on world history has been titanic .

32- Ismay kept a low profile following the ” titanic ” disaster.

33- Robert Kahn says “it presents a titanic struggle overcome.

34- He was overcome with rage and bitterness and titanic fury.

35- The director of titanic used a specially designed subm.

36- Why is the titanic part of the Anderson story?

37- And Rose of the titanic fame was a normal size.

38- How long did it take to build the titanic ?

39- A string quartet played much like the one depicted in titanic . He identified the wreck of the titanic.

40- Hundreds of people drowned during the sinking of the titanic.

41- The band continued to play as the titanic sank beneath the waves.

42- The titanic was supposed to be unsinkable, but obviously it wasn’t.

43- The titanic was a massive vessel, the biggest in the world at that time.

44- The titanic sank off the coast of Newfoundland after hitting an iceberg.

45- The titanic took 2 hours and 40 minutes to sink after hitting an iceberg.

46- Counted among those who survived the sinking of the titanic were two dogs.

47- Over 1,500 passengers and crew died when the titanic sank in April of 1912.

48- In its day, the titanic was the largest and most luxurious ocean liner afloat.

49- The titanic was sailing at a speed of 22 knots at the time it hit the iceberg.

More Sentences: 123
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