tire of in a sentence

Use ‘tire of’ in a sentence | ‘tire of’ example sentences

1- They were tired of being merely “armchair revolutionaries”.

2- But are tired of training without results .

3- We are tired of being beat by policemen.

4- I was tired of being the victim.

5- I was tired of feeling no emotions!

6- Things dont tire of going and coming.

7- Anyone else tired of the same old stuff?

8- I was tired of living hand to mouth.

9- I am tired of the old things.

10- People are tired of the status quo.

11- I was tired of running away from emotional turmoil.

12- Are you tired of being looked down upon?

13- I was especially tired of guilty persons claiming their innocence.

14- She was tired of being her own housekeeper.

15- Some were simply tired of the continuous construction.

16- Now each side was tired of the war.

17- I desired more and was tired of average .

18- But customers are tired of carrying around pieces of cardboard .

19- The nation is unsettled and tired of war .

20- She was tired of fighting and struggling .

21- The game ends when everyone is tired of playing .

22- You are tired of nothing ever fitting you .

23- You decide you are tired of being fat .

24- I am tired of being this late night gal.

25- Wilson is tired of paying for clarinet reeds.

26- I am tired of rights and wrongs.

27- I was tired of being called a failure.

28- I’ll never tire of seeing chili crabs.

29- No wonder Obama is tired of talking.

30- Most Holy is tired of being pushed around.

31- Perhaps folks are tired of the guru’s human limitations.

32- I’m tired of being a “powerless” critic.

33- At length all parties tired of the war.

34- People are tired of spam, tired of junk.

35- People are tired of spam, tired of junk.

36- I am tired of talk that comes to nothing.

37- I’m tired of the whole smaller = better meme.

38- Wood was taking too long and they were tired of standing.

39- We never seemed to tire of this visual gag.

40- I can never tire of that place. As police approached him, he allegedly slashed a tire of one of the squad cars with a knife.

41- Unmasking the forger In 1964, now 58-years old, de Hory began to tire of the forgery business, and soon his work began to suffer.

42- In one scene, her skirt rips as she changes the tire of a Middle Eastern dictator’s limousine.

43- Theobald agreed it was a nice addition, but considered it a “diversion” that players would tire of quickly.

44- The following year, however, Craig appeared to tire of his project and gave the area as a present to a friend, E. Craig, who dropped the entrance fees.

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