tirade against in a sentence

Use ‘tirade against’ in a sentence | ‘tirade against’ example sentences

1- At least answer the Brigadier’s tirade against temporary officers.

2- But what fueled Limbaugh’s tirade against Ms. Fluke?

3- Like Ezra, Nechemiah launches a tirade against intermarriage.

4- tirade against greed and wealth.

5- Going Rogue is also another big salvo in the endless tirade against the John McCain campaign.

6- Ferrie’s tirade against Kennedy was so offensive that he was asked to leave the podium.

7- Phil Wellman, a minor league player and manager infamous for his tirade against umpires after ejection.

8- The mainstream media is essentially yawning over Alec Baldwin ‘s racially charged tirade against a black newspaper photographer.

9- He was only half-listening; the Major’s constant tirades against Durkin bored and irritated him.

10- After a tirade against the aristocracy and the unhappy state of his life, Figaro hides nearby.

11- My European grandmother calls from overseas and unleashes tirades against the ever-increasing immigrant Muslim population in her country.

12- This prompted the Russian president to launch a tirade against what he described as Nato’s expansionist policy.

13- Launching into a tirade against your boss may provide some momentary bliss , but it can haunt you later.

14- During a tirade against Dagre on show 168, Partick revealed that Dagre is, in fact, white.

15- Much of Jimmy’s tirade against Alison is cut; but his derision of her family is still very evident.

16- Muawiyah then entered into a tirade against the Prophet, Imam Ali and the descendants of the Holy Family.

17- Tattwabodhini Patrika had also engaged in a bitter debate with the Christian missionaries and had launched a tirade against Christianity.

18- Piers Morgan’s insult-laden tirades against gun advocates conjure Josef Stalin’s infamous, “Ideas are more powerful than guns.

19- He also dabbled in other areas, writing tirades against pay television and creating a pyramid scheme titled “The Idea Factory.

20- In mid-1983, manager Lee Elia was fired after a profanity-laced tirade against Cub fans and was replaced by Jim Frey.

21- When Landis mentions the Deltas, Wormer erupts into a violent, profanity-laced tirade against the boys who cost him his job.

22- FIFA President Sepp Blatter launched into an astonishing tirade against the British press today at the Asian Football Confederation’s meeting inSão Paulo.

23- At a personal level, his tirades against Christianity, particularly in The Genealogy of Morals, gave me the benefit of distilling the beliefs of the monotheistic tradition into a small number of analyzable forms.

24- But it also directs its readers to about 50 sites claiming that global warming is a fraud and a lie, several tirades against the evils of the nanny state, and an article by John Redwood calling for lower taxes.

25- Such animating paragraphs we read in this Newspaper; and fervours, and eloquent sarcasm: tirades against the Mountain, frame pen of Deputy Salles; which resemble, say friends, Pascal’s Provincials.

26- The forward launched an expletive ridden tirade against his coach at halftime of France’s 2-0 loss to Mexico on Thursday.

27- The Papal Syllabus of Errors, by Pope Pius IX.; extracts from Den’s and Kenricks’ Theology; Bishop Dupanloup’s tirade against Freemasonry, aud other miscellaneous matters of interest to Freemasons and other fraternal associations.

28- The lovely slow jam “All I Got Is You” is a tribute to his mother and growing up poor, with a moving guest appearance by Mary J. Blige ; the flip side of that romanticism is a venomous tirade against a faithless lover (“Wildflower”) that’s all the more startling for its obvious sincerity.

29- He offsets his great deeds with the tragedies inflicted by G-d. This man is all ego. (And someone will say, “What a president with an ego?” Good point.) Note his conclusion to his tirade against G-d: “You get Hoynes.” As if he can stick G-d with the lesser man.

30- EU banks took on even more debt leverage than their US counterparts, despite the tirades against “le capitalisme sauvage” of the Anglo-Saxons.

31- Financial Crisis: So much for tirades against American greed Ambrose Evans-Pritchard says it is ironic that European banks have turned out to be deeper in debt than their US counterparts.

32- Muravchik details the crumbling of support for Israel in Europe, which began early with French President Charles de Gaulle’s infamous tirade against Jews as “an elite people, self-assured and domineering” after Israel’s triumph in the 1967 Six-Day War.

33- Leavis’s tirade against such students was an insensitive treatment of what was already a sensitive topic, and is now far more so.

34- Tyrell in particular is hilarious in her tirades against this unconscionable betrayal: “What will I tell my friends in P-FLAG?”she screams.

35- With its tirades against the ‘unnatural alliance’ between capitalism and Bolshevism, it appealed to the last remaining hope – the belief in the miracle of a split between the eastern and western allies and a new alliance between the Reich and the West against Bolshevism.

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