tip-of in a sentence 2

Use ‘tip of’ in a sentence | ‘tip of’ example sentences

50- The words are on the tip of my tongue, but I don’t quite know how to put what I want to say.

51- Every spring, a wave of flowers sweeps across Japan, from Okinawa to the very tip of distant Hokkaido.

52- There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which states that the soul of a fool is always dancing on the tip of his tongue.

53- Personally, I think that this is just the visible tip of the iceberg.

54- The spots that have been highlighted I think are on the eastern tip of the Island.

55- And that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Pats’ cheating accusations.

56- Think of it like an iceberg, the tip of it is much smaller than the whole, he said.

57- Some protesters said they think the case of the 10-year-old is the tip of the iceberg.

58- Lorna Labuschagne held the tip of the trunk to enable the elephant to breathe unencumbered.

59- Bird-like dinosaurs such as the velociraptor have two bones at the tip of their upper jaws.

60- The 25-acre public park on the southern tip of Manhattan sees about 6 million visitors a year.

61- “We call it the tip of the iceberg,” said Jos Dings, the director of Transport and Environment.

62- But the Maldives, situated off the southern tip of India, are in a different part of the ocean.

63- Fashioning a nuclear device small enough to fit on the tip of a ballistic missile is difficult.

64- The video shows the community’s shoreline on Jones Sound on the southern tip of Ellesmere Island.

65- The front tip of this thyroid cartilage is your Adam’s apple .

66- You can also keep ahead by following our daily ‘ Tendering tip of the Day’.

67- A small fin rose vertically at the tip of the car’s nose.

68- The Hesperiids often have an angle to the tip of the antenna.

69- Jura is only miles (0 km) east of Craignish Point, the southern tip of Craignish.

70- The caudal fin is broad and high, with a ventral notch near the tip of the upper lobe.

71- Her residence, known by the villagers as Dahr El Sitt, was on the tip of one of these hills.

72- Bekabad lies along both banks of the Syr Darya River at the extreme southern tip of the region.

73- Graded recall success: An event-related fMRI comparison of tip of the tongue and feeling of knowing.

74- Nuussuaq is the only settlement in the bay, located east of the western tip of the Nuussuaq Peninsula.

75- The village Røldal is located at the northern tip of the lake, whereas Botnen is located at the southern end.

76- The body is sparsely covered in yellow hairs, and there is a large tuft of dark brown hairs on the tip of the abdomen.

77- In Buffalo and western New York, German Americans are the largest group; in the northern tip of the state, French Canadians are.

78- The eyed tip of approximately 1-2 ft in length is attached as an extension to the end of the rod by a put-in or screw-in method.

79- ;An-24A : (second use) Production 50-seat airliners built at Kiev with the APU exhaust moved to the tip of the starboard nacelle.

80- The upper wing surfaces are brown with a curved white band across the centre and a less distinct white band across the tip of each forewing.

81- To decrease disturbance to this fragile area, wildlife viewing must be accomplished from the observation deck or the very tip of the peninsula.

82- These birds are absent from the southern tip of Florida and the highest elevations of the Appalachian Mountains, but are found in eastern Mexico and in Cuba.

83- Highway 599 passes at the eastern tip of the lake.

84- A small pair of nostrils were present at the tip of the beak.

85- He can fire destructive energy beams from the tip of Palladion.

86- A road expanding project from south tip to north tip of India covers this area.

87- Three broken, dark bands run the length of the body from the thorax to the tip of the abdomen.

88- ” Doing a rope trick, Copperfield accidentally cut off the tip of his finger with sharp scissors.

89- Belding’s Bluff at the southeastern tip of the peninsula, was once a farm of over acres (0 km 2 ).

90- Here a custom pen can be created with the option to change the Color, Thickness, and the tip of the pen.

91- The Shark Sword is able to extend to great lengths and the tip of the Sword can also be used to bite enemies.

92- The several subjects detailed above represent only the tip of the iceberg for Skolnick’s wide area of expertise.

93- They have small vestigial wings that are around centimetres (0 in) long and have a small claw at the tip of this wing.

94- The frog is restricted to the higher rainfall region in around the Karri forest at the southwest tip of the continent.

95- Andromeda is close enough that the tip of the Red Giant Branch (TRGB) method may also be used to estimate its distance.

96- Eilean Tigh is connected to the northern tip of neighbouring Raasay at low tides by a rocky ledge that crosses Caol Eilean Tigh.

97- GTP-bound tubulin can begin adding to the tip of the microtubule again, providing a new cap and protecting the microtubule from shrinking.

98- Ile50 remains at the tip of the turn and when the enzyme is unliganded a water molecule makes hydrogen bonds to the backbone of Ile50 on each monomer.

99- I-78 passes through the very southern tip of the township in the area of exit 49. Sesquicentennial Millburn celebrated its 150th Birthday in its downtown, June ’07.

More Sentences: 123
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