tinderboxes in a sentence

Use ‘tinderboxes’ in a sentence | ‘tinderboxes’ example sentences

1- That in conjunction with extended dry periods have turned them into tinderboxes .

2- In almost every country in the region there are tinderboxes waiting to ignite.

3- Our forests have become tinderboxes , what with all the brushy undergrowth, deadfall, and debris on the forest floor.

4- Deena says, “Mark, you talked a bit about tinderboxes note taking…how does tinderbox help organize thoughts?” Doug Lawson suspects he needs that help.

5- However, the number of tinderboxes and the amount of oil available are both limited, and standing in a light source also makes the player more noticeable to monsters.

6- Light sources help restore sanity, and if none are available Daniel may use tinderboxes to ignite candles in wall sconces and candelabra, or deploy an oil-burning lantern found near the beginning of the game.

7- Jürgen Bömmels triggered a quick bout of tinderbox fixing, as various different hardware experts helped to figure out why several of the tinderboxes weren’t building and testing successfully.

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