tinderbox in a sentence

Use ‘tinderbox’ in a sentence | ‘tinderbox’ example sentences

1- Building systems that report compilation errors among different platforms include tinderbox .

2- An example of such tool is tinderbox .

3- And into this tinderbox Bush proposes bringing nuclear weapons.

4- He then strikes the tinderbox and the three monstrous dogs appear.

5- And tinderbox helps you share ideas through Web journals and web logs.

6- Frankly, the Middle East is a tinderbox .

7- Andersen personalizes “The tinderbox ” with humor and detail.

8- Boswell for the Mac sounds close, as does tinderbox .

9- That in conjunction with extended dry periods have turned them into tinderboxes .

10- tinderbox enables participants in an OSS project to detect errors during system integration.

11- In almost every country in the region there are tinderboxes waiting to ignite.

12- What could be more obvious than the tinderbox character of that region?

13- tinderbox offers an alternate way of achieving this flexibility, as described below.

14- Lighting a match in a tinderbox ?

15- Shortly after, The tinderbox disbanded.

16- She lit more candles without a word, and shut the tinderbox with a snap.

17- As for your comments about China – China is a tinderbox waiting to explode.

18- Leo liked the idea, but is concerned about the state of the tinderbox .

19- Kosovo is another potential tinderbox .

20- A series of conflicting European alliances led to the bloodbath when the tinderbox was ignited.

21- At the top of the cellar steps Broadman knelt down and fumbled in his tinderbox .

22- It fired via a tinderbox mechanism from a six-shot magazine with a clockwork slide action.

23- tinderbox ( The tinderbox (of a heart) ): n. 1.

24- tinderbox ( The tinderbox (of a heart) ): n. 1.

25- He fills his pockets with money, finds the tinderbox , and returns to the witch.

26- By then Kismayu was established as a tinderbox that could again plunge Somalia into civil war.

27- Who knows who will be the next to toss a match into the Middle East tinderbox ?

28- NoteTaker, Hog Bay, tinderbox , TAO, NoteBook et al.

29- Starbucks and Costa do, as do more local concerns such as tinderbox and Little Italy.

30- Obama has turned the Middle East into a tinderbox , and utter chaos is on the horizon.

31- He strikes the tinderbox to light the room, and one of the dogs appears before him.

32- The whole region is a tinderbox , E3 Partners’ Tom Doyle told Mission Network News.

33- Andersen based “The tinderbox ” on the Scandinavian folk tale “The Spirit in the Candle”.

34- When she demands the tinderbox without giving a reason, the soldier lops off her head with his sword.

35- We loved the book And the Band Played On , and in some ways tinderbox is an update.

36- He meets a witch, who asks him to climb into a hollow tree to retrieve a magic tinderbox .

37- It would be a tinderbox of a situation that is highly likely to precipitate conflict in the Middle East.

38- They have to do it because that whole Asian area is a tinderbox and we have enormous interest there.

39- He strikes the tinderbox and sends the dog with eyes the size of teacups to bring her to his apartment.

40- Frame-based systems like SPRINT and Aquanet are examples, as well as NoteTaker, VKB, and tinderbox . For hundreds of years, the Balkans have been seen as Europe’s little tinderbox.

41- And tinderbox helps you share ideas through Web journals and web logs.

42- tinderbox enables participants in an OSS project to detect errors during system integration.

43- Unreferenced tinderbox is a software suite that provides continuous integration capability.

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