timely in a sentence

Use ‘timely’ in a sentence | ‘timely’ example sentences

1- Another pleasing expression is ” timely death” .

2- Some really timely and interesting questions are asked.

3- I had several questions which were answered timely .

4- This annual report provides timely answers to frequently asked questions.

5- A truly urgent situation requires a timely response.

6- Our scanning has been accurate and timely .

7- The due diligence process has gotten more costly and timely .

8- This is important for timely decision making.

9- Egyptian flat bread was a timely find!

10- The applicant is responsible for providing requested information timely .

11- Its hourly updates provided timely ammunition to conservative talk show hosts.

12- In another era but very timely stories.

13- Full cooperation includes frank and timely responses.

14- The penalty save was terrific & of course extremely timely !

15- Promoting timely grassroots political and legislative activism .

16- That is why such timely investment is of essence .

17- The site contains accurate and timely information.

18- Does the record timely pose holistic information?

19- Why is timely and accurate billing important?

20- These usually promise discounts and timely news.

21- The question thus becomes whether defendants timely appealed from those orders.

22- Be sure to comprehensive ones challenges timely .

23- It must reach actionable conclusions in timely fashion.

24- This post is a very timely warning.

25- But precision weapons require timely , precision intelligence.

26- Enterprises require timely support at various levels and types.

27- It is essential people are given timely support and accurate advice.

28- Lack of timely information and high search costs.

29- Anyone who depends on timely mail delivery.

30- Must pay winnings in a timely manner.

31- Our customers expect and deserve these timely responses.

32- Your goods should reach your customer safely and timely .

33- The farmer must acquire needed inputs in a timely manner.

34- It is timely and fortunate that science means knowledge.

35- This is an excellent article and very timely .

36- All members receive this timely information by mail each month.

37- This is a timely and valuable invention.

38- They sent more than 700 tracked tweets of timely data collection.

39- That was an honorable and timely assertion.

40- The insurer shall respond timely to the request. But for his timely rescue, I would have drowned.

41- He made his timely escape from the stock market crash.

42- Sadly, yet another work on the pointlessness of torture is rather timely.

43- Toronto tattoo artist Scoot Mason’s sketch of the timely Bautista tattoo.

44- Obtaining support from agencies for vulnerable witnesses in a timely manner.

45- UA is working closely with ADPH to ensure a timely and appropriate response.

46- The courts are overwhelmed, incapable of providing timely, effective justice.

47- So, if Joint Warrior is not a deliberate response, it’s certainly a timely one.

48- The lack of accurate, timely statistics makes it hard to track China’s progress.

49- 342887I’m going to keep agitating until change is made, and in a timely fashion.”

50- John Gehring These are timely messages that need to be heard in the United States.

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