tiger mother in a sentence

Use ‘tiger mother’ in a sentence | ‘tiger mother’ example sentences

1- She was a tiger mother and fulfilled our needs as mother and father.

2- tiger mothers are on their own and are nothing like so well protected.

3- She reminded him of another from centuries ago: Deschen, the tigers’ mother .

4- This can bring on the tiger mother or mamma bear protecting her young from the outsider syndrome.

5- And contrary to the tiger mother philosophy , Qin said, a child’s happiness is vitally important.

6- But last night, I actually read Battle Hymn of the tiger mother – in a single sitting.

7- Every book publicist in America should study the rollout of tiger mother as a lesson in how to market a book.

8- James and John, “sons of thunder,” brothers who asked (Mark 10:35f) to sit at his right and left hand in the kingdom, in the most important places (actually it sounds like they had a tiger mother , because in Matthew’s account it was she who asked for them (Matt 20:20-23)).

9- While this debate on parenting style has been set afire last year with Amy Chua’s The Battle Hymn of the tiger mother , there is no question that parenting itself plays a primary role in an individual’s success.

10- If I could say one thing to Amy Chua, it’s that I would trade every bit of my success in life – in a heartbeat I’d switch places with the guy who shovels elephant dung at the zoo – to remove the scars left by a tiger mother .

11- The best critique I read came from Adam Minter of Shanghai Scrap , who points out an interesting fact: Chua’s arguments are in no way consistent with those she makes in her new book, Battle Hymn of the tiger mother , which she’s promoting with her article.

12- Ryan Max Riley’s humor article “Bios for New York’s Most Popular Tutors” on CollegeHumor parodies the tutor biographies listed on websites of elite private tutoring companies and satirizes the strict Asian style of tutoring described in Amy L. Chua’s Battle Hymn of the tiger mother .

13- And in our Asian context, the idea of the ‘wannabe’ and the ‘ tiger mother ‘ is a lethal combination.

14- And, my guess is that as competition for the good spots at the top of American pyramid is increasingly globalized, it becomes ever harder for even a widowed single mother to muster the time, money, and energy to tiger mother her children into the Ivy League.

15- Amy Chua, author of Battle Hymn of the tiger mother , says that the book’s most infamous scene, when she locked her daughter in the basement on her birthday, never happened.

16- It ‘s the approach Yale Law School professor Amy Chua preached in her controversial parenting book Battle Hymn of the tiger mother , which promotes Asian child-rearing techniques as the best method to get a kid into an Ivy League university.

17- Bluster all you want , boys, but Polling Day hath no fury like a tiger mother scorned; and this Budget has betrayed every stay-at-home and a great many part-time working mothers alike.

18- But before I am labelled a tiger mother , I would like to assure all that the children are given treats for their co-operation.

19- The media is abuzz about Amy Chua’s book, “Battle Hymn of the tiger mother ” (see this excerpt from The Wall Street Journal ).

20- It’s a brilliant provocation, in the manner of early Ann Coulter (before she became a self-parody), and it worked wonders in terms of raising tiger mother‘s profile.

21- “You call yourself a tiger mother ?

22- ‘ tiger mothers’ Should Tame Parenting Approach But now a Michigan State University scholar is refuting that theory.

23- Tiger Electronics produced a handheld electronic version with abridged gameplay.

24- He likes a tiger.

25- A tiger appears near here.

26- A tiger is a beast of prey.

27- The caged tiger lashed its tail.

28- He shot a tiger through the head.

29- The tiger is a vanishing species.

30- She fainted at the sight of a tiger.

31- They succeeded in catching the tiger alive.

32- I aimed at the tiger and fired, but missed him.

33- The elephant charged at the tiger, chasing it away.

34- The tiger let out a growl, and then attacked its trainer.

35- If a tiger should come out of the cage, what would you do?

36- Mao Zedong once said, “In waking a tiger, use a long stick.

37- “Tiger Williams is an outstanding golfer, the best of his time.

38- The tiger crouched down at the water hole, and began to drink.

39- The sabre-tooth tiger is an early ancestor of the domestic cat.

40- The largest land predator in the world is the Bengal tiger.

41- predictYou may as well call a cat a small tiger as call a tiger a big cat.

42- Tiger Woods had to withdraw from the tournament due to a knee injury.

43- It was during the ice age that the sabertoothed tiger became extinct.

44- The tiger’s stripes help it to blend in with its natural environment.

45- Tiger Woods is undeniably the hottest young golfer in the world today.

More Sentences: 123
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