tiering in a sentence

Use ‘tiering’ in a sentence | ‘tiering’ example sentences

1- The expanded programme includes a globally consistent tiering structure.

2- Microsoft is therefore tiering them into its Office service .

3- The first tiering system in women’s tennis was introduced in 1988.

4- All candidates take a common examination paper – there is no tiering .

5- tiering is one of the several confusing aspects of Symantec pricing.

6- We are tiering , we are stacking enterprises on an existing land base.

7- This is a permaculture concept, of stacking or tiering for multiple benefits.

8- What I hadn’t bargained for was the steepness of the tiering .

9- In addition to tiering , compression and deduplication are other approaches to storage optimization.

10- What is tiering of services?

11- However, the rule denies beneficiaries the right to request a tiering exception for certain high-cost drugs.

12- Savings bank of maine offers two savings plans as well as all purpose clubs tiering on savings accounts.

13- The new 6.5 release extends the performance and tiering advancements of previous versions while offering new enterprise features for customers.

14- Easy tiering is automatically active when mixing different media in “hybrid capacity pools” (Managed Disk groups).

15- This will require IT executives to retain storage arrays four years or less, and employing tiering and thin provisioning.

16- It uses MCx (Multicore optimisation) and EMC FAST (Fully-Automated Storage tiering ) software.

17- They are, first, the retention of proposals to do away with ” tiering ” in the reformed GCSEs.

18- Offloading (or tiering ) content from HCP storage into external storage can help optimize the use of HCP storage.

19- The creations Cheap Louis Vuitton tote are highlighted with tiering layering to create uneven hemlines an unusual use of lattice embroidered motifs.

20- Symantec’s excessive use of tiering , options, different licensing models, components, and packs can be mind numbing for a hapless IT manager just looking to protect their systems and applications.

21- More substantively in relation to the supposed ending of tiering , there are still major technical challenges if even this aspect of what was originally in the EBC plans is to go forward.

22- He did, though, muddy the waters by suggesting that “extension papers” might also be available to challenge higher achievers, leaving me, and others I think, wondering how this system differed from tiering .

23- The essential campus for this is violently three programs and synthroid cheap may pay up to only seven to eight quantities running upon the presented and liberalized neighborhood and the health of agreements in tiering their role.

24- Flash, solid state drives (SSD), thin provisioning, tiering , and virtualization are advancing at a rapid pace as are the densities and power consumption curves.

25- PMC’s session will feature topics including hybrid and pure flash storage to accelerate applications, scalable architectures that have the flexibility to enable open applications and software-defined storage, and tiering data to deliver the most efficient and cost-effective storage.

26- FAST VP, previously available for block data and also known as sub-LUN tiering , is now available for file data, too.

27- Unisphere dashboard has customizable panels (view-blocks) Software for efficiency Fully Automated Storage tiering for Virtual Pools (FAST VP) EMC leverages FAST VP to migrate data to high-performance drives or high-capacity drives, depending on end-user access.

28- tiering the information–providing a shorter and simpler message first, followed by additional detailed information for those who want it–may help achieve a balance in these competing, but worthy, objectives.

29- As an example, by applying third-party risk profiling and tiering to each vendor relationship, banks may be able to determine the appropriate mix of risk management practices and tailor them to the specific risks of an arrangement.

30- Storage Spaces was further enhanced in Windows Server 2012 R2 with tiering and caching support, which can be used for caching to SSD; these new features were not added to Windows 8.1.

31- It has been estimated that of 92 potentially possible modes of life – combinations of feeding style, tiering and motility – no more than a dozen are occupied by the end of the Ediacaran.

32- In busier Kilo stations, due to this tiering effect, paramedics can make more money in a shift than a full-time employee working the same number of hours but it is still quite unreliable.

33- tiering of service, loyalty bonds, and membership programs can all help in building customer loyalty and encouraging long-term relationships. 40.

34- tiering of services refers to the segmentation of the customer base around different levels of profit contribution, needs (including sensitivities to variables such as price, comfort and speed), and identifiable personal profiles such as demographics.

35- Boomerang is carried on most cable and telco providers, along with both satellite services; tiering of the channel varies by service, with some services offering it as a basic service or as a higher-tier offering.

36- Not only can the insurer affect drug sales by including or excluding a particular drug from a formulary, they can affect sales by tiering or placing bureaucratic hurdles to prescribing certain drugs as well. Mayor Wells lit the candle on a large three-tiered 100th birthday cake.

37- “We’ve been working on a two-tiered system for many, many months,” Avalos said.

38- The bail system in most states is a two-tiered system, said center founder Phil Telfeyan.

39- She wore a jacket in astrakhan pieced with mink and a tiered skirt stitched with scores of sequins.

40- Varna system was the traditional four tiered classification of Hindus into Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras.

41- Films are also show in its tiered auditorium on a big screen.

42- An OSU win would likely have placed Oregon in a lower-tiered bowl, possibly in Las Vegas.

43- The game was formerly subscription-based, but switched to a multi-tiered freemium model on November 22, 2010.

44- 2004 season The 2004 season was another great season for the PGLL including the first season of tiered Junior lacrosse.

45- File Area Networking (FAN) The combination of the Storage Admission Tier (SAT), the Tiered Storage Model and NAS/SAN are known as the File Area Network (FAN).

46- Proposals of marriage were made by a gift of a pinangan, a 2-tiered lacquered basket, to the intended bride’s parents brought by a go-between who speaks on behalf of the suitor.

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