tiem heals all wounds in a sentence

Use ‘tiem heals all wounds’ in a sentence | ‘tiem heals all wounds’ example sentences

1- It’s 34 degrees, much cooler than it was at this time yesterday .

2- This time yesterday I would have said that what had happened last night was a laughable impossibility.

3- Those who have, over the years, followed the cases of Ian Tomlinson, Jean Charles de Menezes and Mark Duggan may beg to differ with him on this matter, but overall the tone of parliament this time yesterday was at least one of contrition.

4- Ray McGovern, a retired CIA officer turned political activist, agreed with Ellsberg and added, This time today Im feeling much more hopeful for our democracy than I was feeling this time yesterday .

5- “Well,” said Horace, ” this time yesterday I never expected this!

6- Checking the metrics at Earth we see that the solar wind is reading a really calm 300km/s. Down from 400km/s at this time yesterday .

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Related Words:
time to loserace against timework against timebattle against timetime is moneytime is on your sidetime is a great healertiem heals all woundstime fliesin your own timeall in good timehave a lot of timehave no timetime of lifeyour time

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