thunderers in a sentence

Use ‘thunderers’ in a sentence | ‘thunderers’ example sentences

1- Nowadays, most Dwarf armies see a pretty even split of Quarrellers and thunderers .

2- Dwarf Quarrellers and thunderers form the bulk of the missile contingent in a Dwarf Army.

3- The storyline detailed a coup d’état in which the thunderers were united under Irik Roval.

4- He was depicted as a traditionalist by even Dwarf standards, King Alrik’s armies could not include more thunderers than Quarrellers.

5- Later, he attempts to overexert himself to know how he generated those weapons by running a brutal training session against holographic Qwardian thunderers , which does not work.

6- Most thunderers have crafted their own weapons and over the years add many augmentations and improvements; and are as a result very proud of their weapons.

7- The Anti-Monitor rebuilt his army, taking over Qward and using the thunderers as his own private army, as well as creating the Shadow Demons from the elite of the thunderers.

8- The Anti-Monitor rebuilt his army, taking over Qward and using the thunderers as his own private army, as well as creating the Shadow Demons from the elite of the thunderers .

9- Their most noteworthy warriors are The thunderers , flying warriors that are equipped with throwable weapons shaped like lightning bolts that turn into a form of energy called “Qwa” when thrown.

10- Dwarf thunderers and Quarrellers

11- Weaponers and thunderers Ironbank also has an Australian rules football club (the Ironbank-Cherry Gardens thunderers), a tennis club and netball club.

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