thunderclaps in a sentence

Use ‘thunderclaps’ in a sentence | ‘thunderclaps’ example sentences

1- Like thunderclaps , echoing over and over.

2- Loud thunderclaps coincide with Stan’s outbursts of anger.

3- Rizzuto was also very phobic about lightning, and sometimes left the booth following violent thunderclaps .

4- Great arcs of energy flashed from cap to cap whilst thunderclaps pumped air through the forest of glittering stems.

5- Stick after stick of bombs blasted the navy yard–its buildings and docks–explosions reverberated like thunderclaps .

6- The sound of thunderclaps filled the room as the skylight flashed white, leaving afterimages burning in the Consul’s retinas.

7- The others had spun round, and the short sticks they were holding had belched terrifying thunderclaps and flashes of bright flame.

8- The grimy blots grew closer and bigger, sudden thunderclaps made visible, and hurled the little planes from side to side.

9- The sound echoed like thunderclaps against the towering wall of snow-capped mountains that forms the Iranian border, a few miles away.

10- I say “most,’ because during the thunderstorm, several very noticeable instances of sonic breakup occurred that were more jarring than the thunderclaps themselves.

11- Ships from miles away had seen an enormous flash of blue light at around two yesterday morning, and had heard a sound described by one crew member as ‘like a hundred thousand thunderclaps all at once’.

12- Fanzi is an external northern Chinese boxing style known for its rapid punches that are said to be “as fast as lightning and thunderclaps “.

13- In keeping with the Discworld’s affinity for narrative, Ãœberwald’s climate and conditions contrive to fulfil human expectations: for example, Ãœberwaldian thunderclaps occur whenever someone makes a particularly forceful pronouncement.

14- The king prostrated himself before the Karmapa, the elephants broke their tethers and bowed down three times before him, and raised their trunks to the sky trumpeting loud as thunderclaps .

15- Back off the throttle, and the V8 S roadster’s quad tailpipes produce a rapid series of thunderclaps on the overrun.

16- Instead , there’s a lot of t rying, failing, and constantly struggling: ” What we found in our conversations with these superachievers was that success did not come to them in the thunderclaps of their Eureka!

17- Suddenly a loud trumpet began to blare terribly, hurling its echoes like thunderclaps through the valleys that start from the sides of the mountain and causing every one to shake with dread.

18- Jesus said how He would show up, with loud noises, thunderclaps , blowing trumpets, a loud voice which opens the graves and brings forth the righteous dead, people raising out of the grave and living people joining them to meet Christ in the air!

19- The first part “The Gathering” opens with speaker trembling bass and loud thunderclaps leading into the moody “Desire” (part 1) with gorgeous drifting synth sounds playing a beautiful melody.

20- “Adad” (tablets 36-50) contains omens drawn from earthquakes, thunderclaps and lightning flashes, rainbows, clouds and rain–not what one usually considers astrology at all.

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roll of thundersteal his thundera face like thunderblood-and-thunderthunderboltthunderboltsthunderclapthunderclapsthundercloudthundercloudsthunderedthundererthunderersthunderheadthunderheads

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