throw in the towel in a sentence

Use ‘throw in the towel’ in a sentence | ‘throw in the towel’ example sentences

1- You threw in the towel long ago.

2- Other nations had thrown in the towel .

3- But please don’t throw in the towel .

4- But utility developers shouldn’t throw in the towel just yet.

5- Certainly not throw in the towel . 9.

6- It is tempting to stop here and throw in the towel .

7- Preston threw in the towel before it went the whole distance.

8- We haven’t thrown in the towel just yet.

9- Now I was really just ready to throw in the towel .

10- They’ve thrown in the towel on that.

11- He just wouldn’t throw in the towel .

12- We have actually thrown in the towel at my unit.

13- Many of you fans have already thrown in the towel .

14- Oral’s coach threw in the towel after several knockdowns.

15- The shoemaker isn’t throwing in the towel on technology.

16- Are there moments where I want to throw in the towel ?

17- Brown’s corner threw in the towel in the first round.

18- Creation Scientists NEVER state that Darwin threw in the towel .

19- Time to throw in the towel Deans.

20- Rocky again tried to stop the fight by throwing in the towel .

21- Cliffs has thrown in the towel for the time being.

22- The BBC has thrown in the towel and has axed both programmes.

23- Some are still fighting for rankings, many just threw in the towel .

24- When others throw in the towel , you are more determined than ever.

25- Customers throw in the towel electrical power course of action is way too hard .

26- But now the hackers behind Newzbin 2 have thrown in the towel .

27- I quit; I resign; I throw in the towel There.

28- This was enough to make you want to throw in the towel .

29- It ‘s good underdog boxing tale that doesn’t throw in the towel .

30- Cameron responded to the pressure of public opinion and threw in the towel .

31- Remember when Apollo Creed told Rocky not to throw in the towel ?

32- OBAMA: We refused to throw in the towel and do nothing.

33- I would have thrown in the towel , lacking your patience and stamina.

34- Sometimes it is easier to throw in the towel than to press on.

35- Jen made it 25 and Chris made it 32 before throwing in the towel .

36- Flair and Sting won when Hart threw in the towel for his team.

37- Aerts battered Lobman until his corner threw in the towel in round two.

38- Dave Latham was the last to throw in the towel after a tough struggle.

39- By the fourth round Sefo was spent and his corner threw in the towel .

40- Who should have thrown in the towel if not our dear President GEJ. Don’t throw in the towel.

41- I had half a mind to throw in the towel.

42- But the South African leading the charge in second refused to throw in the towel.

43- What’s the company supposed to do about that, throw in the towel and call it a day?

44- With that being said, we’re not going to throw in the towel or give up on these young ladies.”

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