thoroughly in a sentence 4

Use ‘thoroughly’ in a sentence | ‘thoroughly’ example sentences

148- Lisani is thoroughly angry and becomes even angrier when she finds that her grandmother put Margaret up to it.

149- Soak old pots thoroughly in a solution of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water to kill any bacteria that may remain.

150- Prof. Dr. Emidio Campi writes that the history of the Italian Reformation has been not yet thoroughly examined.

151- Francesco Cattanei was a Christian Democrat from the north of Italy and he was determined to investigate thoroughly.

152- Hofer, 69-70; Caviezel et al., 163. In 2005, the street was thoroughly renovated and its cobblestone pavement replaced.

153- The Minica 5 was a mere interim model, anticipating the more thoroughly revised Minica Ami 55 which was soon to arrive.

154- The Isles of Scilly are covered by the Flora but not very thoroughly: there is a good Flora of Scilly by J. E. Lousley.

155- This school knew only Augustine because its organizer the Saxon Alcuin (735-804) evidently knew only Augustine thoroughly.

156- By February 2011 TÜV Rheinland sued PIP, claiming it had been “thoroughly and continuously misled” regarding the silicone used.

157- TMP91.36.500 is another Gorgosaurus with preserved face bite injuries but also has a thoroughly healed fracture in the right fibula.

158- The French media had become thoroughly corrupt. Newspapers, in particular, were bought-and-paid-for mouthpieces of power factionalism.

159- However, his family being thoroughly Americanized, the name was instead pronounced “shen-AWLT.

160- The Bird is a thoroughly depressing story of two siblings in the economic slump of the mid 1990s.

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