thorny in a sentence

Use ‘thorny’ in a sentence | ‘thorny’ example sentences

1- The thornier aspects continue to intrigue international legal experts.

2- They keep their mouths open while chewing thorny food.

3- Amid thy thorny alleys rude I thought myself alone!

4- Indie distribution has always been a thorny problem.

5- The next page is a little thornier .

6- Statistical evidence is a thorny problem though.

7- The camel loves to eat thorny bushes.

8- Its thick lips help in eating coarse and thorny plants.

9- The taxation of disturbance allowances is a particularly thorny issue.

10- Amongst the thorniest of those was rural southern poverty.

11- There are however many thorny issues to tease out.

12- The third text, c , offers more thorny problems.

13- But app developers face an even thornier problem .

14- This is definitely a thorny and sensitive issue.

15- Contemporary geology, however, posed thornier problems.

16- Growing in the fields were thorny bushes.

17- This is a thorny problem, however.

18- I doubt if thorny was interested either.

19- Factual determinations affecting evidence frequently pose thorny problems on appeal.

20- Chapter 5 focuses particularly on the thorny question of idealism.

21- Yet there is inventive exploration of thorny , taboo issues.

22- The question of deliverance has always been a thorny one.

23- Alan has a thorny task and deserves all help.

24- thorny questions arise when judges deal with this topic.

25- Interpretation of the protocol remained a thorny problem.

26- This question is thornier than it first appears.

27- Slavery in Mauritania is a thorny issue.

28- It’s a thorny but important topic.

29- How Scotland pays for its public services is a thorny issue.

30- Members, the retention of membership is a very thorny problem.

31- First and foremost among these is the thorny issue of responsibility.

32- The lessons for the United States here are potentially quite thorny .

33- There is no lack of opinions on this thorny subject.

34- Benny knew from old that it was a thorny subject.

35- Are we hard and rocky or thorny or shallow?

36- The flora was thorny and the fauna was unsociable.

37- This spiritual path is rugged, thorny and precipitous.

38- In the increasingly complex postwar world, investing became a thorny problem.

39- These five films tackle that thorny question via the art of cinema .

40- Introspection therefore faces an especially thorny and complex problem of calibration. The animals are kept in the field by a natural fence of thorny bushes.

41- And it’s not only First Nations that pose a thorny diplomatic challenge.

42- Critics would say what they are offering is simple solutions to thorny probleMs. Despite this strong statement, thorny foreign policy situations continued to arise!

43- Color-Changing thorny Frog is a catchy name, and it has a cool survival gimmick, too.

44- 736966The issue of payments to Medicare providers has been a thorny issue for years.

45- Royalty payments remain a thorny issue and it’ll be interesting to see how this all plays out.

46- But governments must try to find common ground on a range of thorny issues over the next 10 months.

47- The legality of 23andMe’s product has been a thorny question since the company was founded in 2006.

48- They wore agave fiber sandals for rocky or thorny areas but usually went barefoot.

49- ‘Sweet’ refers to the apple fragrance of the foliage, while ‘briar’ (also sometimes ‘brier’) is an old Anglo-Saxon word for any thorny shrub.

50- Caatinga is a xeric shrubland and thorn forest, which consists primarily of small, thorny trees that shed their leaves seasonally.

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