thirst for in a sentence

Use ‘thirst for’ in a sentence | ‘thirst for’ example sentences

1- He took away my thirst for alcohol.

2- My thirst for knowledge led me on.

3- An even stronger desire makes him thirst for power.

4- I leave you a thirst for education.

5- We thirst for politics to be adult again.

6- Same hair, same eyes, same thirst for blood.

7- His main greed, however, was thirst for knowledge.

8- My thirst for knowledge has finally been quenched!

9- The villagers once again start thirsting for his blood.

10- The young friar was driven by thirst for knowledge.

11- The Scottish people always had a thirst for learning.

12- After this came the thirst for fame and power.

13- Does your family have a thirst for adventure?

14- But the working class had a thirst for news and information.

15- Brennan goes on to explain his thirst for power.

16- Yet surely the thirst for justice has to be satisfied ?

17- Somehow the surroundings seemed blurred by her thirst for knowledge.

18- The unquenched thirst for justice is not lost.

19- The thirst for knowledge outside of their own job areas is immense.

20- A thirst for water is almost indistinguishable from a normal hunger feeling.

21- She is drop dead gorgeous so why the unnecessary thirst for attention ?

22- Her defining character traits are a thirst for knowledge and intense focus .

23- A thirst for the infinite is indelibly present in human beings.

24- The unquenched thirst for a true poetry is not lost.

25- An indescribable thirst for water now seized upon me.

26- Stewart was thirsting for action, his colour high.

27- He is penetrated by an unquenchable thirst for suffering.

28- I can sense their deep thirst for goodness, for kindness.

29- Three young possums with a thirst for adventure.

30- There is no doubting Jack’s intellect and thirst for discovery.

31- Are you thirsting for more Transformers comics goodness ?

32- It appears to me their thirst for money controls all decisions.

33- Always the first to thirst for a fight.

34- They have a huge thirst for knowledge and everything new.

35- The company have built their reputation on their thirst for knowledge.

36- No thirst for blood nor lucre animated me in my course.

37- Did our June butterfly lecture leave you thirsting for more?

38- Hiclone helps us to reduce these vehicles thirst for fuel.

39- It is less a thirst for revenge than it is a rebellion against this banal evil.

40- He said the insatiable thirst for evermore revenue streams comes with a backlash.

41- But, sadly, the Court’s hubris and thirst for power have reached unprecedented levels.

42- She is a simple girl with a thirst for true love.

43- His vision and unquenchable thirst for knowledge transcended the narrow barriers of caste, language and religion.

44- All disciplines are equally respected and dedicated teachers nurture and inspire their pupils to cultivate a thirst for life-long learning.

45- Sara fled the village of Fayon and became consumed with a thirst for vengeance.

46- The camper said no, but when he offered the thirsty man a drink of cold water instead, he turned it down, saying he really had a thirst for some Stroh’s.

47- Languages * In German a Herostrat is a criminal out of thirst for glory.

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in the third personthird handthird placethird-ratethird party third-degree thirstthirst forquench my thirstdyingthirstthirstedthirstierthirstiestthirstilythirstiness

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