think what in a sentence

Use ‘think what’ in a sentence | ‘think what’ example sentences

1- I thought what happened was really tragic.

2- I think what is meant is sympathy.

3- think what tiny ants working together can accomplish .

4- You might think whats the big deal .

5- I think what you published was very reasonable.

6- I think what you wrote was excellent.

7- I am afraid to think what may happen.

8- I think what you typed was actually very reasonable.

9- He must think what he was saying.

10- I thought what I had experienced was the norm.

11- I thought what I experienced was the norm.

12- The cat thinks what has been will be.

13- I think what you said was actually very logical.

14- She kept thinking what she wanted to become next. I think what he said is true in a sense.

15- He smiled to think what a fool he had been.

16- She couldn’t think what to give the children for Christmas.

17- Roger von Oech once said, “Take advantage of the ambiguity in the world.

18- Look at something and think what else it might be.

19- “I think what we are still learning is the mechanism in which it occurs.

20- I think what‘s most important to understand is the need for the cabbies.

21- 215916Everyone can think what they have to think,”” Brandon Meyers said.”

22- “I dread to think what the merger will do to my platinum-for-life status.”

23- I think what Trista has done with the boys track team speaks for itself, Bishop said.

24- “We think what this is going to do is normalize the idea of attendance at university.

25- I think what makes it so special is that it’s the first game over here, Paul told AFP.

26- They hadn’t even sent a note-they couldn’t think what words to use; they were too young.

27- “I think what counts is having some enforcement on an occasional basis,” Conly explained.

28- People can think what they want about it, but I just answer how I want and do what I want.

29- I think what matters is the fact that he has an impact on us and it’s a very positive impact.

30- 394675I think what Seinfeld is missing is the why”” behind the reactions of college students.”

31- “I think what we will miss most is the good work he had done for other people or people in need.

32- “I think what‘s happened here is a bunch of young people’s lives have been destroyed,” Ryan said.

33- Having decided it should be a number, he tried to think what an “ordinary number” should be.

34- He was mad enough before but I shudder to think what he’ll be like now.

35- He has improved as a passer, but I think what is overlooked is that he has gotten faster and has broken longer runs.

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