thievish in a sentence

Use ‘thievish’ in a sentence | ‘thievish’ example sentences

1- Our very abstaining to repeat and credit t he fine remark of our friend is thievish .

2- They are beyond doubt the dirtiest, laziest, most degenerate and thievish race of men ever inhabiting this sphere.

3- Truly ‘ thievish ‘ entertainment is guaranteed if you attend the Störtebeker-Festspiele, a festival in Ralswiek on the island of Rügen.

4- He avoids stealing, and abstains from it; what another person possesses of goods and chattels in the village or in the wood, that he does not take away with thievish intent.

5- Her son complained to General Rusk, who went with him to the captain of the thievish band, but that worthy refused to surrender them, and Rusk was not in a position to force their release, inasmuch as the men were not regularly enlisted and a conflict with them was not advisable.

6- those that are against their sin; and the blinded Sodomites go on to grope for the door of Lot, as one that reproveth them, till the flames of justice stop the rage. (6.) And when all these sins have enslaved sensual youths, they must have money to maintain them; and if they have it not of their own, and be not the sons of great men, who will maintain them in the service of the flesh, they must steal to get it, which usually is either by thievish borrowing when they cannot pay, or by robbing their parents or masters.

7- And that man (namely, Mael -Sh echlainn the thievish ) acknowledged that, outside beeves and hogs and sheep, he stole 35 horses from clergy and laity that were not taken nor demanded from him to the time of his death, outside of what was demanded and taken from him up to that.

8- Gard, however, was also thievish , and it was he who ultimately got White involved in the point shaving scandal that followed.

9- He wrote: “the name of Associate in Arts has been degraded, probably beyond recovery, by wicked, thievish , and otherwise disreputable institutions.

10- In Tobias Smollett’s “The Expedition of Humphry Clinker”, a scathing character assassination runs, “He is ungracious as a hog, greedy as a vulture, and thievish as a jackdaw.

11- The French found the Micmac to be friendly and eager to trade, 21 whereas the further south these Frenchmen went, they found the “savages were numerous, unfriendly and thievish .” This experience only served to confirm their decision that the best place for the French colony was to be that place which they returned to found: Port Royal.

12- In Godwits , Eliza is denied the freedom of Timothy to journey to England, unless, fantastically, she agrees to invert her gender and adopt the persona of Timothy’s thievish “cabin-boy” ( Godwits 165).

13- “Taking what is not given” means appropriating the rightful belongings of others with thievish intent.

14- ” “Those people are poor, but ingenious and very thievish , on account of which we called those three islands Islas de los Ladrones (“Islands of thieves”).

15- indeed all along in their route, the devils appropriated everything they could lay their thievish hands upon, including all the horses and mules. He is also ill-tempered, self-important, overbearing, scheming, two-faced, abusive, selfish, and thievish.

16- Prokofiev described this cancan-like material as “thievish.

17- The second one, a scathing satire to the government officials and their thievish behaviour, is one of the first examples of Russian comic opera.

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