thicket in a sentence

Use ‘thicket’ in a sentence | ‘thicket’ example sentences

1- Fourteen percent is woodlands – several kinds of forest and thickets .

2- Other upland habitats consist of grassland units and thicket units.

3- But the legal thicket is far from cleared.

4- Rams caught by horns on convenient thickets .

5- The vegetation is mainly coastal savannah shrubs interspersed with thickets .

6- This mangrove thicket in some places is a mile wide.

7- Others are going further and further into the speculative thicket .

8- Under his sudden shadow, flames cry out among thickets .

9- The legal and ethical thicket is dense in these circumstances.

10- These inhabit thickets within dense and dry savanna woodlands.

11- Duncan thicket has appeared in a tour of live shows.

12- It nests in caves, hollow trees, or thickets .

13- They have developed mountain biking trails through dense thickets of autumn-olive.

14- thickets can be removed with a net.

15- In a thicket I noticed a beast who was lying there.

16- I found a good section in the woods facing a thicket .

17- Without waiting for a response he stepped into the thicket .

18- The white bear lumbers into a thicket and disappears.

19- Many Erik entirely covered with thickets zhidovilnika.

20- The understorey of moist conifer forests may contain thickets of bamboo.

21- Much of this construction has occurred within dense thickets of autumn-olive.

22- It can recolonise disturbed areas, and may grow in thickets .

23- We had that gnarly thicket between us,” Eric said.

24- He looked away at the dense thicket where the three hounds were working.

25- The road wound past fields and passed through a thicket of young trees.

26- Pinker in the face behind the thicket of white beard.

27- Left unmanaged, they develop into large, sprawling thickets .

28- A thrush or some brown bird answered from a thicket .

29- Nature took over, and a thicket grew up around it.

30- Newcomb says they’re found in woods and thickets .

31- The hazel and hawthorn thickets provide shelter and food for birds .

32- Three other similar spots showed their edges in the thicket of brush.

33- There was also a garden escape Campanula flowering in a thicket .

34- thickets of fern grow in the forests, though not abundantly.

35- It was flashlight time when they strode forward into the thicket .

36- The shrubs send up suckers, the shoots gradually extending the thicket .

37- Several attacks were repulsed and the enemy was driven into the bamboo thickets .

38- Pregnant females isolate themselves and into thickets as parturition approaches.

39- These grasslands have greatly spaced trees and also contain bushes and dense thickets .

40- Most people don’t go picnic in the thickets , though! All them Andrews’ is buried in that thicket right there,” Walley says.

41- 839134thicket studies fashion design online and dreams of a future in costuming.

42- 839135′ thicket studies fashion design online and dreams of a future in costuming.

43- But ensconced in the Oval Office, he quickly became ensnared in a legal and political thicket.

44- Filmmaker Philip Bloom edges closer to the thicket while searching for tigers in Pench National Park.

45- Johnny King’s relationship with Big thicket Broadcasting ended in mid 2009.

46- Big Cypress National Preserve and Big thicket National Preserve were created in 1974 as the first national preserves.

47- The margin (edge of the cap) is curled inwards, and when young is covered with a dense thicket of “hair” that withers in age to whitish fibers.

48- Procopio escaped through a thicket, though a Mexican national told Ellis the following day that Procopio had been slightly wounded by a shotgun blast.

49- Cyanippus’ hounds scented her hiding in the thicket and, taking her for a wild animal, rushed at the woman and tore her to pieces.

50- She will often hunt by herself while the cubs are still helpless, staying relatively close to the thicket or den where the cubs are kept.

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