thicker in a sentence

Use ‘thicker’ in a sentence | ‘thicker’ example sentences

1- A thicker shell presumably protects the snail better.

2- The 13 fin block has a thicker cylinder wall.

3- The mouthpiece is usually thicker than average.

4- The latter is thicker and lacks lateral roots.

5- This gives the thicker strings slightly more length.

6- A thicker red band is worn in term three.

7- This implies a much thicker warmer atmosphere.

8- Why is 4 week penis longer and thicker ?

9- Also made the vertex clamp area thicker .

10- They are thicker guys with slower feet .

11- The center chassis member is thicker and longer.

12- Less fullness is needed with thicker fabrics.

13- The next thicker pipe type is L copper.

14- After going further “The forest is getting thicker .

15- A thicker layer of mulch is likely to promote slug populations.

16- These graphs show that thicker walls increase the protection factor.

17- Anything thicker is best ripped with a dedicated ripping blade anyway.

18- Here are the two shorter thicker ones together.

19- His tone changed and became a little thicker .

20- The walls and sole are much thicker and stronger.

21- Are darker colours and thicker flows normal in menstrual blood?

22- Are clots and thicker menstrual blood unusual during a period?

23- Here beaver fur is longer and thicker than further southeast.

24- In these cold lands beaver had longer and thicker fur.

25- Using thicker boards would eliminate this complexity.

26- A net cooling will result in thicker ice.

27- The belt and deck armour was substantially thicker than usual.

28- My hair began to revive and grew thicker .

29- The walls of the towers are 1 foot thicker .

30- The fringe seems thicker this time around.

31- Maybe a thicker slice would help here ?

32- Firth prescribed a heavier duty clutch and thicker front disc brakes.

33- Multiple cages beat a single thicker one.

34- It gets thicker and thicker as totality approaches.

35- It gets thicker and thicker as totality approaches.

36- Dirty engine oil is also thicker , making engines less efficient.

37- Aquatic -The green algae is spreading and looking thicker .

38- Coconut cream is a thicker , richer liquid.

39- However, sperm whale ivory contains a much thicker inner layer.

40- The brown costume is a thicker , stronger fabric. The fog is getting thicker.

41- The fog is growing thicker.

42- Blood is thicker than water.

43- An old proverb remarks that blood is thicker than water.

44- Richard Armour once remarked that a rumor is one thing that gets thicker instead of thinner as it is spread.

45- Richard Armour once observed that a rumor is one thing that gets thicker instead of thinner as it is spread.

46- “Plus, there is evidence that the fibrous bands get thicker and stiffer with age.”

47- The atmosphere would have to have been thicker than today to support the presence of water.

48- This normally occurs with altostratus opacus, which can produce widespread but usually light precipitation, and with thicker clouds that show significant vertical development.

49- Meiners also claimed the skin of an American is thicker than an ox.

50- The 1983 model added some minor sound-proofing improvements and thicker windows.

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