these in a sentence 3

Use ‘these’ in a sentence | ‘these’ example sentences

101- these abnormalities of heart rate sometimes indicate disease.

102- these abnormalities occur less frequently among African-Americans.

103- these are used to detect tumors and bone abnormalities .

104- these levels are associated with neurological abnormalities in babies.

105- None of all these palliations can the abettors of Negro slavery plead.

106- The judges struggled hard to rescue the prisoner from the penalty they considered justly due; but failing in this, ordered him to be taken into custody, tried and condemned, whereupon these abettors appear at the bench to sit in judgment against him, and recommend the jury, Mortal Minds, to find the prisoner guilty.

107- Metaphysics aids and abets these and other superstitious doctrines.

108- The Neapolitans now openly abetted these operations.

109- What these bands have most in common, however, is that they FAIL ABJECTLY .

110- these were the dormitories, ablution blocks and classrooms.

111- Metaphysics aids and abets these and other superstitious doctrines.

112- The Neapolitans now openly abetted these operations.

113- these cheap abatements can have net abatement costs down to essentially zero.

114- these cheap abatements can have net abatement costs down to essentially zero.

115- But ultimately , these moves are an abdication of management responsibility.

116- Of these, the most common location is the abdominal cavity .

117- I read books of devotion – I read the expressions of self-abasement , uttered by the holiest of saints and martyrs, individuals by the side of whom I am utterly worthless, – but I cannot realise these expressions, though they befit me far more than they who first used them!

118- these two characters can be considered as surrogates for the aspects of the artist’s personality as they manifest the highs and lows characteristic of his writing; the chimp representing self-aggrandizement and the clown representing self-abasement .

119- I’m a ser in these parts.

120- I must help these people.

121- Help me with shelling these eggs!I am very busy these days.

122- I know some of these boys.

123- I made these boxes myself.

124- these days I am very busy.

125- I want some of these books.

126- My son doesn’t talk back these daysthese drinks are a la carte.

127- He puts up with these terMs. She gave me these old coins.

128- I’ll clear these dishes away.

129- They are studying these days.

130- What are you into these days?

131- I’ll ask you these questions.

132- He wants these shirts washed.

133- I chose these over the shoes.

134- I’m pleased with these shoes.

135- I feel very lonely these days.

136- Life is getting hard these days.

137- these candies melt in your mouth.

138- My daughter does not talk back these daysDon’t handle these tools roughly.

139- I don’t like any of these records.

140- I have a poor appetite these days.

141- I am putting on weight these days.

142- Are they able to read these words?

143- Can you help me wash these dishes?

144- these are truly the best products.

145- He was accredited with these words.

146- I’m sick of conferences these days.

147- Few students use pencils these days.

148- I was on my own during these months.

149- We must wash all these dirty plates.

150- I am interested in chess these days.

More Sentences: 1234
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