therapy in a sentence

Use ‘therapy’ in a sentence | ‘therapy’ example sentences

1- This is called “replacement” therapy .

2- Consent forms are signed before therapy begins.

3- This strong support system increases successful therapy outcomes.

4- Such cases are currently treated using laser therapy .

5- The above medical therapy is generally quite effective.

6- Future treatments may include stem cell therapy .

7- These reactions are reasons why many patients discontinue therapy .

8- Treatment through gene therapy is currently being pursued.

9- The remaining 21 patients received placebo shock wave therapy .

10- Their bias against vitamin therapy is understandable.

11- He recommends seeking relief through physical therapy .

12- You may lose weight during radiation therapy .

13- My oldest child has needed very intensive therapy though.

14- The cancer therapy nutrients are ordinary food nutrients.

15- Oral dissolution therapy has limited efficacy and is costly.

16- This is similar to ice pack therapy .

17- I did however have very regular speech therapy .

18- Behavioral therapy involves exposure and response prevention.

19- He says yoga therapy can enhance clinical therapeutic techniques.

20- Practice less talk therapy and more doing therapy.

21- Practice less talk therapy and more doing therapy .

22- There are many forms of psychological therapies .

23- When are you discharging children form therapy ?

24- She was always going to speech therapy .

25- Modern research is also investigating vaccine therapy against cancer.

26- He detected special treatment procedures and therapy .

27- There is evidence that cognitive behaviour therapy is helpful.

28- I am taking the vitamins therapy anyway.

29- What warning signs may indicate a fraudulent therapy ?

30- An example of external energy therapy is electromagnetic therapy.

31- An example of external energy therapy is electromagnetic therapy .

32- Just enough therapy to calm things down.

33- I have had three physical therapy sessions.

34- Some support groups also offer complementary therapies .

35- Women on hormone replacement therapy were considered eligible.

36- The main treatment approaches are psychotherapy and antidepressant therapy .

37- Also called cognitive behavior therapy and cognitive therapy.

38- Also called cognitive behavior therapy and cognitive therapy .

39- This therapy has not yet been rated.

40- A number of natural therapies are often required. In ethical terms, a great many people are opposed to gene therapy.

41- Massage therapy can be very useful in treating neck and back pain.

42- My sister is undergoing therapy to help her overcome her fear of the dark.

43- Jenna is having hormone therapy in order to help reduce the effects of menopause.

44- The young woman was in therapy for years after being sexually abused by her uncle.

45- He started studying General Linguistics, and then branched out into Speech therapy.

46- Hubert Humphrey once noted that the greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.

47- Jerome’s group therapy sessions really helped him learn to speak about his probleMs. You need a referral from your doctor in order to receive massage therapy treatments.

48- That doctor uses large doses of vitamins as therapy for a number of different illnesses.

49- Mark sought therapy to help him understand why he felt so much anger towards his father.

50- Aroma therapy is a technique which uses different scents to stimulate people in different ways.

More Sentences: 123
Related Words:
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