theosophy in a sentence

Use ‘theosophy’ in a sentence | ‘theosophy’ example sentences

1- The three characteristics of theosophy are listed below.

2- The term ” theosophy ” (lit.

3- The word theosophy has been used for many centuries.

4- Another important principle found in theosophy is reincarnation.

5- theosophy teaches a metaphysical theory of evolution mixed with human devolution.

6- theosophy acknowledges the important role animals play in our world.

7- These incidents may explain the rapid growth of theosophy in Italy.

8- It is time that theosophy should enter the arena.

9- theosophy , then, is both theoretical and practical.

10- In this way she was converted to theosophy .

11- Is this any less vague than theosophy ?

12- And yes, I am familiar with theosophy .

13- To confuse the two is the mistake of theosophy ; inflation.

14- Now the seeming contradictions within theosophy need to be straightened out.

15- Helena Blavatsky taught that theosophy is neither revelation nor speculation.

16- This accounts for the “northern origin” of her theosophy .

17- Also the writers of theosophy were influenced by his work.

18- Religions, the common theosophy that pervades normal experience.

19- theosophy can lead us into Tibetan Buddhism.

20- The connections between Guénon and theosophy are intricate.

21- theosophy is in opposition to the spiritualist interpretation of evolution.

22- theosophy Company publishes an accompanying index to their single Secret Doctrine.

23- Some have suggested that she incorporated Hindu elements into her theosophy .

24- theosophy , as a philosophy, applies to all things.

25- In theosophy it is related to the pineal gland.

26- We must come to theosophy as we receive a gift.

27- theosophy is not a faith once for all delivered to us.

28- Heidegger’s view is different from all forms of mysticism and theosophy .

29- This makes four beings at this level, according to traditional theosophy .

30- theosophy and other sui generis adaptations of eastern religions gained popularity.

31- My contact with theosophy has changed the whole course of my life.

32- theosophy views it as the relationship or interaction between consciousness and matter.

33- In addition to being theoretical, however, theosophy is also practical.

34- The use of the term ” theosophy ” has changed over time.

35- Some people hold theosophy is what Blavatsky wrote and nothing else.

36- His insights are neither borrowed nor derived from the esoteric framework of theosophy .

37- However, throughout his life Whorf’s main religious interest was theosophy .

38- This relationship is the basis for the theosophy of the Trinity.

39- theosophy is essentially a living wisdom.

40- theosophy makes the T.S. Lodge in its ideal form. In theosophy, the astral double or perispirit or kamarupa after death, before its disintegration is identified with the eidolon.

41- When Mulla Sadra talked about hikmah or theosophy in his words, he usually meant the transcendent philosophy.

42- Though Bailey’s writings differ from the orthodox theosophy of Madame Blavatsky, they also have much in common with it.

43- In 1890 Besant met Helena Blavatsky and over the next few years her interest in theosophy grew while her interest in secular matters waned.

44- theosophy coupled spiritualist elements with Eastern mysticism and was influential in the early 20th century, later influencing the New Age movement during the 1970s.

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