theoretically in a sentence 2

Use ‘theoretically’ in a sentence | ‘theoretically’ example sentences

51- This was indirect evidence for a reporting bias since women’s comfort levels with reporting oral contraception are theoretically higher than induced abortion.

52- ; Register machine :is a theoretically interesting idealization of a computer.

53- However, very large specimens may, at least theoretically, be up to 50 years old.

54- Ducking and covering in either scenario would theoretically afford significant protection from falling or flying debris.

55- Someone could come here and request an article of any kind and we could theoretically get it for free and give it to them.

56- Donald Hebb theoretically developed the concept of neural ensemble in his famous book “The Organization of Behavior” (1949).

57- Using LCTs to approximate an optical system for imaging and inverting this system, theoretically permits recovery of a defocused image.

58- Milner (1985) p.188 Operations The WLEF was theoretically organized in to eight escort groups able to provide an escort of four to six ships to each convoy.

59- This procedure burns the hair root, theoretically preventing it from producing more hair.

60- However roles have been shifted due the Taif Agreement theoretically balancing the power out.

61- A Simple Theoretical Framework There are various ways of rationalizing a financial accelerator theoretically.

62- Demise Since the ruling vacated Andersen’s felony conviction, it theoretically left Andersen free to resume operations.

63- She received 9 points out of a theoretically possible 11 and was ahead of the Silver Medal winner, R. Preeti from India, by one point.

64- Freedom of worship was theoretically recognized everywhere except in Niué, which is exclusively Protestant.

65- ” (indicating that requested operation is theoretically impossible) and “SORRY” (errors due to system limitations).

66- Individuals can be made worse off by an opening of trade but society has a whole should theoretically have more wealth.

67- Any doubling of the barrel length would theoretically cut the generated g-force in half while doubling the firing time.

68- As we’ve seen, this question has been answered in the affirmative for 80 years theoretically and for 20 years experimentally.

69- Airway inflammation caused from a cytokine storm secondary to acute respiratory distress syndrome could also theoretically benefit.

70- The problem was analysed theoretically by 1928, but actual remedial measures were not introduced into suspension design until the 1960s.

71- Xander blockades the door, only to find Buffy, wearing only a trench-coat (theoretically), willing to give him more than a heart attack.

72- The use in children below 1 year of age is contraindicated, because of theoretically possible undesirable effect on immature immune system.

73- Baudelaire describes the effects of the drugs and discusses the way in which they could theoretically aid mankind in reaching an “ideal” world.

74- Because LEDs can be switched on and off faster than CCFL displays and can offer a higher light output, it is theoretically possible to offer very high contrast ratios.

75- Mission The mission of École nationale d’administration publique (ENAP) is to contribute to the development of public administration both theoretically and in practice.

More Sentences: 12
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