theatre in a sentence

Use ‘theatre’ in a sentence | ‘theatre’ example sentences

1- Maybe more patrolling around movie theaters at night.

2- It was predominantly used in larger theaters .

3- Western films are occasionally shown in movie theaters .

4- These theaters reportedly generate approximately $80 million in revenue annually.

5- May 19 – “” is released in theaters .

6- A was later released to theaters worldwide.

7- It actually houses three small theaters plus a book store.

8- Movie theaters often offer discounts for seniors .

9- London theaters are closed due to plague.

10- Movie theaters and shopping mall areas are also nearby.

11- Alternative ways of displaying captions in movie theaters are being developed.

12- Movie theaters gone in a few years?

13- These prints eventually end up in theaters .

14- They donated money to hospitals and theaters .

15- Permanent theaters allowed for more sophisticated staging and storytelling.

16- The theater shows popular films shortly after they leave mainstream theaters .

17- Ottoman operations in the active combat theaters ceased.

18- Attendance in theaters rose and several productions became huge successes.

19- There are four movies theaters in the city.

20- The version shown in theaters was 65 minutes in length.

21- The movie was released to movie theaters in 1935.

22- I am looking forward to playing some small theaters .

23- Other establishments including movie theaters and restaurants are also often included.

24- He continued to tour air bases in both theaters .

25- This film was released only to local theaters .

26- Four independent theaters present several plays a year.

27- Such movies are rarely shown in other theaters .

28- Thus theaters will offer discount tickets to seniors.

29- Berlin is home to 44 theaters and stages.

30- I quit going to theaters long ago over poor theater experiences.

31- Film will leave theaters much sooner than expected .

32- UP was a big hit in theaters .

33- It has 9,000 seats in eight theaters .

34- Several hotels, theaters and casinos opened.

35- In reaction, 200 theaters across the country added security personnel.

36- Schools, libraries and theaters were founded.

37- There are 7 movie theaters located in Huntsville.

38- Shopping malls and movie theaters closed, too.

39- The film hits theaters on March 8 .

40- It now has been shown around Seattle theaters . The words above the door of the theatre were a metre high.

41- It was April when a school was built on the site of the theatre.

42- Hello, what’s that?

43- Somebody doing street theatre or something?

44- In other theater news: a big grant for Seattle’s 5th Avenue theatre.

45- Marlowe theatre director Mark Everett He said: “I get very involved.

46- They perform at Maidstone’s Hazlitt theatre on Friday, May 15 at 8pm.

47- The theatre is part of the 2,000-year-old Roman-era ruins in Palmyra.

48- Runs Sept. 10-Oct. 18 at Village theatre, 303 Front St. N., Issaquah.

49- Amazing Grace begins performances June 25 at the Nederlander theatre.

50- But at the end of the day it is live theatre and anything can happen.”

More Sentences: 12
Related Words:
operating theatrestreet theatretheatre-in-the-roundtheatergoertheatergoerstheatre-goingtheaterstheatretheatrestheatricaltheatricalitiestheatricalitytheatricallytheatricalstheatrics

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