theater in a sentence

Use ‘theater’ in a sentence | ‘theater’ example sentences

1- The theatre featured unique performances and actions.

2- I left the theatre feeling fairly hopeless.

3- The second section housed the theatre proper.

4- The theatre of war is been showed.

5- The theatre was closed between 1980 and 1982.

6- The theatre production led to international diplomatic complications.

7- The theatre was shut down in 1823.

8- The theatre was built between 1764 and 1766.

9- The theatre has a 220 seating capacity.

10- The theatre poster unfolded itself inside his head.

11- The theatre itself has an interesting history.

12- The theatre is closing forever , 2.

13- The theatre was 75% full 15 minutes before showtime.

14- The theatre was most brilliantly illuminated with wax lights.

15- The theatre is certainly unworthy of this fine city.

16- I bought four nails for the theatre set.

17- The court frequently visits the theatre in winter.

18- I became a writer through the theatre .

19- The theatre is on the main floor.

20- Volunteer opportunities are always available at the theatre .

21- To visit the theatre an extra fee is charged. I was at the theater.

22- I found the theater crowded.

23- He adores going to the theater.

24- Let’s meet in front of the theater.

25- I like to see comedy in the theater.

26- I met with my teacher in the theater.

27- Are you going to the theater tonight?

28- He’s the projectionist at the theater.

29- I met Yoko on my way to the theater.

30- CNWere you at the theater last Saturday?

31- Did you enjoy yourself at the theater?

32- I am going to the theater on the corner.

33- I have two passes to the Imperial theater.

34- There is a parking lot behind the theater.

35- There was a large audience in the theater.

36- There was a large audience at the theater.

37- I saw Miss Smith in the theater yesterday.

38- We hailed a cab to take us to the theater.

39- We met Mrs.

40- Brown at the theater.

41- CNA stream of people came out of the theater.

42- Be quiet.

43- Don’t talk in the theater.

44- I went to the theater to see a period drama.

45- People thronged the theater to see the star.

46- I wish I had gone to the theater last night.

47- All of us went to the theater to see a play.

48- I went to the theater to see a modern drama.

49- They had to be turned away from the theater.

50- I sat behind a very tall man in the theater.

More Sentences: 12
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thatchingsthawthaw outthawedthawingthawsthetheaterthe theatrein the theatrein theatrefringe theatreoperating theatretheatre-in-the-roundtheatre-going

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