the scope of in a sentence

Use ‘the scope of’ in a sentence | ‘the scope of’ example sentences

1- the scope of human thought is vast.

2- the scope of foreign military cooperation has evolved gradually.

3- the scope of our existing partnerships is broad.

4- the scope of the clause is five years.

5- the scope of this protection has increased significantly.

6- the scope of our decision today is quite limited.

7- the scope of the problem is daunting.

8- the scope of the volume is impressive.

9- the scope of the band has grown considerably since 1997.

10- This limits the scope of scientific inquiry.

11- the scope of her book is impressive.

12- the scope of this authority is described below.

13- the scope of the chronicles is rather narrow.

14- the scope of the restructured programme was broad.

15- the scope of criminal law is too vast to catalog intelligently.

16- This severely limits the scope of government intervention.

17- the scope of the expanded series is covered more thoroughly below.

18- the scope of a project varies considerably.

19- Surveillance abuse often falls outside the scope of lawful interception.

20- the scope of what is considered world music has increased.

21- the scope of the free version is severely limited.

22- the scope of this article is existential risks .

23- the scope of modern advertising is almost impossible to quantify.

24- the scope of the problem is huge.

25- the scope of this task is frequently underestimated.

26- the scope of this essay is quite broad.

27- What is the scope of urban contamination?

28- the scope of regulation is also potentially flexible.

29- the scope of this course is global.

30- This was totally outside the scope of traditional community organizing.

31- the scope of electronic information is broader and expanding.

32- Such speculations are however outside the scope of this inquiry.

33- the scope of this bill might simply be too great.

34- Understanding the scope of any certification program is crucial.

35- the scope of the problem is not fully understood.

36- What is disputed is the scope of its success.

37- the scope of cancer’s impact goes far beyond the surface.

38- The second challenge was the scope of the event itself.

39- Nobody really knows the scope of the market.

40- They experience things beyond the scope of our common lives. The questions you are asking are beyond the scope of my expertise.

41- The commission has been instructed to widen the scope of its investigation.

42- Unfortunately, your question is outside the scope of my experience in the field.

43- TOEFL instruction is not included within the scope of classes at the lower levels.

44- The language in the text is beyond the scope of all but those who are experts in the field.

45- It is not within the scope of this commission to make a decision on this matter, but simply to offer some different options.

46- The government-appointed ethics committee has been authorized to widen the scope of its investigation to include a discussion of new reproductive technologies.

47- Gail Hamilton once said that every person is responsible for all the good within the scope of his abilities, and for no more, and none can tell whose sphere is the largest.

48- Gail Hamilton once said that every person is responsible for all the good within the scope of his abilities, and for no more, and none can tell whose sphere is the largest.

49- scoreIn the 1980s, Newsweek magazine broadened the scope of its articles to include topics such as science and technology, social issues and medicine, in addition to its regular news and political features.

50- I would ask you to consider two things about the scope of that calamity.

More Sentences: 123
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